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What’s Fringe on the Right Is Mainstream on the Left

Green Party Member Golriz Ghahraman supports Palestine. Credit: Twitter/Ricardo Menendez March

The Australian’s “Jack the Insider” rightfully lambasted the Greens’ Jenny Leong for her disgusting attempt to justify the worst barbarity perpetrated on Jews since the Holocaust.

He also rightly pointed out that anti-Semitism is a long-running stain on the fringe right.

But then he wrote this:

Anti-Semitism is the cornerstone of the extremes on the left and right.

The Australian

While clearly nowhere near as revolting as Leong’s hateful false equivalence, Jack’s obvious effort at “balance” hits one major snag.

Yes, anti-Semitism is a cornerstone of the extreme right — but it’s mainstream on the left.

As other readers challenged, name one elected politician on the right who’s defended Hamas. Yet, dozens of leftist MPs did. The Greens are not the extreme of the left: they’re the mainstream. With nearly forty elected parliamentarians across Australia, they’ve very, very far from the fringe.

And they’ve chosen to side with the Jew-killers.

When the NSW parliament voted a motion of solidarity for Israel, condemning the Hamas attacks, the Greens opposed it. In the ACT, Greens chose instead to show where their sympathies lie by endorsing a pro-Palestinian rally.

The Greens are siding with the people who slaughtered thousands of Jews last weekend, including allegedly beheading babies.

Too many in Labor, too, are gutlessly trying to walk both sides of the barbed wire fence, clearly afraid of alienating the crucial Muslim voters of Western Sydney. Or secretly siding with them.

ACT Chief Minister Andrew Barr says Australians should not take a side in the conflict between Israel and Palestine, as NSW Greens ­opposed a parliamentary motion condemning attacks by Hamas and showing solidarity with Israel.

Just hours after it emerged Hamas had beheaded Jewish ­babies and children, Mr Barr on Wednesday said “no one should be bombing anyone” as he refused to condemn his coalition government partner, the ACT Greens, for backing a pro-Palestine rally.

Eighty years ago, Barr would have been calling for “restraint” against Nazi Germany, too, no doubt. These people are as useless as they are odious.

To their credit, even the Teals are calling out their lefty chums.

Independent MP Sophie Scamps has claimed that criticism of the Albanese Government response to the Israel-Gaza conflict “is not a political fight”, as she pushes for bipartisan responses to the crisis.

“They were not sufficiently strong or responsive in the early days. It took Prime Minister Anthony Albanese 16 hours to even issue a statement,” Dr Scamps said on Channel 9.

“Now we have concerns, all Australians should have concerns, for the safety of the Jewish community.”

Albanese, who didn’t hesitate to spruik his “Voice” referendum at Lakemba mosque — long a known hot-bed of jihadism, and the epicentre of the mobs who celebrated Hamas’ progrom — similarly took over four days to extend even the most basic courtesy to the besieged Jewish community.

The Prime Minister met members of the Jewish community on Wednesday evening, addressing the St Kilda Hebrew Congregation in Melbourne following harsh criticism his government’s response was too soft on the pro-Palestine protests at the Sydney Opera House on Monday night where the Israeli flag was burned and anti-Semitic slogans were chanted […]

The synagogue visit is believed to be the first significant contact Mr Albanese has had with senior members of the Jewish community since Saturday’s attack on Israel.

Contrast that with the inevitable rush by politicians to don a hijab and gibber about “backlash” in response to next week’s Islamic terror attack.

That Hamas’ barbarity will spill over to Australia and other Western nations seems a matter of when rather than if. There have already been multiple, if unconfirmed, reports of carloads of young men (of no particular description) cruising Melbourne’s inner-eastern suburbs, “looking for Jews”.

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil has said Australians should prepare for long-lasting consequences from the Israel-Gaza conflict that will “have ramifications probably for months and years to come”.

Yet, even still the Labor government can’t help itself but indulge in mealy-mouthed moral relativism.

“Hamas, the perpetrators of this violence, a listed terrorist organisation by the Australian Government, have also committed a crime against the Palestinian people because many innocent people will die on the other side of this conflict,” Ms O’Neil said on ABC News.

“All of this is violence begetting more violence. No-one will win from this situation.”

The Australian

What, exactly, do these fatuous ninnies think Israel should do?

Meanwhile, with anti-Semitic mobs parading in the streets of Australia’s biggest cities, shouting to “Gas the Jews!” and “Allahu ackbar!”, while police do nothing, who wants to take bets on one of the more excitable followers of the Prophet breaking out the knives, guns and bombs, just like their heroes in Gaza?

But that will, of course, be Nothing To Do With Islam.
