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What’s Going On With Our Kids?

Roadshow Part 2 - Identity Disruption

Photo by Element5 Digital / Unsplash

Let Kids Be Kids, Penny Marie, and Elisabeth Cave

This content will be eye-opening for parents and grandparents… We hope it is insightful for those in the education system, or who have recently departed from it. The conversation around what is happening in our education system (whether in early childhood, school or university) in NZ and worldwide is an urgent one.

We are bringing you our roadshow in three posts/videos.

See our other Substacks for parts 1 and 3. Watch/share on Rumble (higher quality).

Watch on Rumble

The Philosophy of Education

Elisabeth Cave shares her understanding of the Philosophy of Education and illustrates the changes in education over recent decades that bring us to our current situation. We live in a time where true education and ‘the pursuit of the good’ has, in some instances, been replaced by prescriptive training and indoctrination.

She explores how this may be a significant contributing factor to the poor wellbeing outcomes many of our children are dealing with today.

Identity disruption and hyper focus

Elisabeth shares her findings about identity, identity disruption, and the current hyper focus on gender identity, and its concerning ramifications.

If you’re not spending time looking into what is being served up to your children at school – we urge you to do so.

Don’t rely on the government or education system to have your child’s best interests as their priority. YOU are the ones who must put your children first.

Elisabeth’s Substack

Exposing and Healing from Identity DisruptionExposing a hidden process of identity disruption done in schools through certain materials, which induce children to be insecure, distressed and ripe for the imposition of the next stage – gender ideology. And, how to heal and restore a whole identity. By Elisabeth Cave

Part 2: Identity Disruption - References

This article was originally published by Let Kids Be Kids.
