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When Climate Alarmists Think They’ve Got You

person holding there is no planet b poster

You may have noticed that whenever you ask a climate alarmist to provide evidence they nearly always say ‘it’s all around you’, ‘google it’, etc. Fortunately the SpinOff has bucked the trend and provided us with what it calls “handy climate resources” that it says proves climate change is real.

[…] Unfortunately, just like Maureen Pugh was until Tuesday afternoon, many people remain sceptical about climate change and what is accelerating it. If you have a Maureen Pugh in your life and they don’t have a Christopher Luxon or a Nicola Willis in theirs to supply a reading list, here is a short selection of things to read, watch and listen to share that might help change their mind. If they do it faster than Maureen Pugh, let us know.

The BBC’s “What is climate change? A really simple guide” does what it says on the tin. It’s a factual, quick read that has a short, textable summary of what climate change is and why human activity has ramped it up.
Text Maureen this snappy summary from the BBC.

So let me get this straight. Climate is the average weather over many years, except of course when it’s a cyclone or a summer heat wave. Then it’s evidence of climate change.

Real time data on the planet’s vital signs from NASA including sea level rise and planetary warming over the last 150 years. A click away is a section labelled “evidence” with a graph that charts atmospheric samples contained in ice cores over the last 800,000 years, succinctly proving that climate change today is not a result of the planet doing its cooling and warming and cooling and warming thang. If your Maureen believes the moon-landing was real and would trust the monitoring provided in hospitals to humans who are ill, this is highly convincing.
This graph provides evidence that atmospheric CO2 has increased since the Industrial Revolution. (
Get your Maureen a pot noodle and a toga because it is time to go back to uni with this one. “Consensus on consensus: a synthesis of consensus estimates on human-caused global warming” analysed thousands of research papers examining the causes of global warming, and found that the scientific consensus was clear: “humans are causing recent global warming”. Helpfully, that chimes with the 2,400-page report from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change which was summarised and approved by 195 countries.

Except as we all know there is no scientific consensus.

To be perfectly honest I don’t know if man-made climate change is real and if it’s an existential threat. But that’s not what this is really about.

Let’s say climate alarmists are right about man-made climate change being real. Next question is what can we do about it?

There’s many options. We could simply try and adapt. We could also spend money on research on finding ways to reduce pollution such as more efficient transport etc.

Climate alarmists however say there is only one option and that’s to repent, give up our cars, cycle everywhere and generally go back to the Dark Ages.

What gets me though is how few climate alarmists are actually willing to do these things (try asking your typical 14-year-old girl with a T-shirt saying ‘There’s no planet B’ to give up her iPhone, for example).

Thanks, but no thanks. I’d rather take the first two options.
