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When Did Thieving Become Legal?

Photo by TheDigitalWay. The BFD
A thief is a thief, whether they steal a diamond or a cucumber

When writing these articles and researching them, I am always amazed by the pure moronic proverb of the Labour party. They famously said, “We will deliver!” And they have! There is heaps of content for me to pick apart and feed back to them.

Three Waters has been one of the most controversial policies that have been enforced under ‘El Presidente’. She and her Gestapo have seized water assets off the local councils when all they asked for was more help and funding.

The problem was that the pipes were breaking down and it was affecting people’s health. Instead of fixing the problem, they decided to make it worse.

Here is some feedback on Three Waters:

A “blatant grab for unbridled political power”, taking away hard-won democratic freedoms.

NZ First.
Theft, with the Government stealing water assets (and democracy) from ratepayers.

“This Government has just proven themselves to be a revolting pack of thieving liars.”

Christchurch city councillor James Gough.

And my absolute favourite, and the most accurate.

“A deceitful, lying pack of bastards”.

Masterton councillor Tina Nixon.

In my last article, I ended the first paragraph saying “Well Jacinda, it seems your listening ears aren’t working, it’s time for you to go.” Instead, she and her government are forcing it through. There’s no opt-out option, there’s only undercuts and undervalued compensation worth less than one-tenth of the actual value. A prime example is in July when Christchurch was offered $122.4 million to opt into the water reforms, as part of a $2.5 billion package to all 67 councils. But Christchurch City Council had $6.9 billion worth of water assets and $1.1 billion worth of debt.

Even the propaganda drivel machine known as Phil Goff has turned his back on his former party stating that “Three Waters will provide little benefit to Aucklanders” and will see the city lose control of more than a quarter of its assets.

The government is hellbent on stealing complete control. With each setting sun, they get a little closer to their thieving goal.


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Face of the Day

Willis took over responsibility for the supermarket delegation this month and will announce decisions taken by Cabinet to incentivise and encourage a third player into the market.

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