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When Shouldn’t We Trust the Experts?

Jacinda Ardern Ashley Bloomfield

The PM never ever makes a Covid announcement without an unfortunate expert standing alongside her in the parliamentary dock when she passes another sentence to remove our freedoms.

Ardern is reliant on her expert advice, and you could say, as David Theobald did when he wrote for The BFD, that the line between medicine and politics can become very blurred.

Ardern’s Covid adviser Ashley Bloomfield should be cautioned about political interference but the reality is that he is not independent as he is financially dependent on government funding. Politics permeates and pollutes the science he brings to the table.

So, how good are the scientific expert’s track records?

Global warming/climate change experts convinced our government, and many others, that the science around climate change was settled and unless we mended our ways the planet was doomed. At first, we believed them, until their doomsday predictions backfired and we knew for certain that they were wrong.

By 2014 it was obvious that Australia’s chief Australian scientist, in pursuit of the global warming/climate change agenda, had very clearly missed her mark.

Despite the failed predictions, fossil fuel energy is being systematically mothballed and replaced by wind farms and solar power. This month people froze in unheated homes or drove around in cars to stay warm. Wind farms and solar panels above ground had been rendered completely useless in sub-zero temperatures and gas, which supplied around 47% of the power in Texas in 2019, was not equipped to work in frigid temperatures.

The media have awkwardly passed on the message that rolling blackouts in Texas cut power and water, killing more than 20 people. TVNZ’s American correspondent Anna Burns-Frances blamed the weather instead of the lack of heating. She described sub-zero temperatures as “a weather event made more extreme by climate change.” To rephrase: Burns-Frances could have said “Texans who froze to death were killed by global warming” and in a roundabout way she is correct because climate change/global warming policies mean coal and gas generated power is replaced by wind and solar and gas was not expected to work in sub-zero temps when the planet is supposedly warming. Climate change ‘science’ messed up Texans’ continuous power supply.

Texas produced the complete opposite of expert weather predictions about global warming/climate change. Image credit AP: Brett Coomer

It hadn’t snowed this heavily in southern Texas since the 1800s, but this month was an actual climate emergency, as opposed to a fake global warming emergency. In 2019 Texas implemented the highly political “Green New Deal” to avoid planetary destruction from disastrous global warming.

The Green New Deal “aims to guarantee new high-paying jobs in clean energy industries” which President Biden promised the thousands of jobless after canning the Keystone XL pipeline. It is more important to Biden to focus on global warming than it is to maintain a reliable infrastructure.

Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez of New York and Senator Edward J. Markey of Massachusetts, right, announcing the resolution on Feb. 7. Image credit: Pete Marovich for the New York Times

Covid experts told us the virus would kill millions of people and initially, we believed them, but they also lied. According to Ivor Cummings COVID-19 has a mortality rate of 0.05% with the average age of death at 80 years. The number of reported deaths can be taken with a grain of salt after lawmakers in Minnesota reviewed 2,800 Covid death certificates and claimed Covid deaths could be overstated by as much as 40%.

PM Ardern took a tough elimination approach to managing Covid, restricting travel and locking down when outbreaks occur. But Auckland University Professor of Medicine Des Gorman was critical of her latest lockdown, claiming inconsistent risk management.

“…the Ministry of Health on Saturday night decided not to tell the Government for 12 hours – for 12 hours, according to the Prime Minister – that there was an outbreak, which meant that any opportunity she had to shut down the Big Gay Out and America’s Cup [on Sunday] had gone.

“You have to say that in that context, we’re prepared to live with a lot of risk. And then we went to level 3, which means we’re not prepared to live with any risk at all. And now we’ve gone to level 2, which means we’re prepared to live with a modest level of risk.

“I think we’re all over the place in terms of our risk acceptance.”

What do you think might account for “all over the place” lockdown levels? Is this another example of science becoming polluted by politics? Was the PM more interested in maintaining her public profile by appearing at two large events last Sunday? Is politics more important than a lockdown that “saves lives”?

The much-touted destroyers of Covid – the experimental Covid vaccines – are the latest target for our Covid experts, who claim they are all completely safe, but are they wrong again? What do we think about “expert” advice consistently failing?

Yesterday The BFD polled our response to the PM and her expert’s advice that the vaccine New Zealand is getting is safe. Just 13% trust the PM and her experts enough to willingly line up for the vaccine with 45% saying they will refuse and another 25% likely to refuse it.

Mark Zuckerberg said in July 2000:

“I do just want to make sure that I share some caution on this [vaccine] because we just don’t know the long-term side effects of basically modifying people’s DNA and RNA … basically the ability to produce those antibodies and whether that causes other mutations or other risks downstream. So, there’s work on both paths of vaccine development.”

Then he changed his mind last November appearing in a virtual forum with Dr. Anthony Fauci.

“Just to clear up one point, my understanding is that these vaccines do not modify your DNA or RNA. So that’s just an important point to clarify,” Zuckerberg said, prompting Fauci to say: “No, first of all, DNA is inherent in your own nuclear cell. Sticking in anything foreign will ultimately get cleared.”

Epoch Times

But just this week Zuckerberg bounced back to his original stance saying that he is worried about the “long term side effects” of “basically modifying people’s DNA and RNA”.

The man who can’t make up his own mind about the vaccine will happily censor and remove “fake information” from Facebook.

This from our PM in April last year (patting herself resoundingly on the back):

“We have the opportunity to do something no other country has achieved—elimination of the virus,” Jacinda Ardern, the country’s Prime Minister, said Apr. 16.”

Nine months later and elimination has us in a similar place as overseas countries who did not close borders or lock down, and arguably we may be worse off if herd immunity hasn’t occurred here as it has in other countries not locked down.

Covid returned Ardern to government but Covid may be her Achilles heel because of her unworkable, grandiose Covid management plans and money-hungry global warming policies. She may ultimately lose office because she polluted science with politics.

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