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Where the Grubby Greens Go, There Goes the ABC

Photoshop by Lushington Brady. The BFD.

However low the level to which the green-left sinks in Australia, you can always rely on the taxpayer-funded broadcaster to crawl after them.

The disgusting Greens wasted no time joining the throngs of anti-Semites chanting “gas the Jews” in Sydney and hand-waving away the worst violence against Jews since WWII. The ABC, whose staff vote Green four times higher than the national average, is right there with them.

One of the most horrifying stories to emerge from the Palestinian savagery in Israel is that of the kibbutz at Kfar Aza.

The scene before them at Kfar Aza was so depraved, so awful, these hardened men broke down and cried, forced to console each other.

At each house, there was sickening barbarity.

Elderly women had been told to hand over their phones, laptops and money, then covered in petrol and burned alive. It was horrific.

Yet nothing was more terrible than what was done to the babies.

Babies were found with their bodies in their cots and their severed heads placed separately on the floor in some kind of macabre power signal. In ­images taken days later, a small infant dress was still carefully laid out at the end of one cot, but smeared in blood. On another small bed, a baby’s bottle was difficult to see among the blood-soaked sheets […]

Women were the target of a particular hatred. Pregnant women were tortured then beheaded, Israeli soldiers said.

The Australian

The ABC must know this. They clearly had their own correspondents on the ground at Kfar Aza. So, how did they choose to report it?

Bodies of Israeli residents and Hamas militants lay in the grounds of the Kfar Aza kibbutz […]

The stench of bodies was heavy in the air as reporters walked the paths of the kibbutz as Israeli Major General Itai Veruv said the scene was different to anything he had witnessed.

What did he witness? Don’t ask the ABC to tell you the whole truth.

“You see the babies, the mothers, the fathers, in their bed, in their protection rooms …. or in their garden outside, and the terrorists come and kill them … you know catch them and then shoot them, cut their head.”

And that’s as close as the ABC will get to describing the horror of Kfar Aza. The facts are there, but they’re so carefully worded as to draw a polite veil over what the ABC clearly doesn’t want its readers to know about the Palestinian terror. The word “babies” is only mentioned once in the entire article, and then only because it’s a direct quote that can’t be avoided.

One soldier shouted: “Tell the world what you saw here.”

ABC Australia

Not if the ABC can help it.

To hand them the thinnest of lifelines, the claim of beheading babies was questioned by some. But it took the ABC’s Middle East correspondent to stridently declare it “bullshit”. Even so, we knew for a fact that Hamas slaughtered babies. We’d seen the photos and videos of blood-drenched cots and baby seats. Blood splattered, just coincidentally, where the baby’s head would have been. But now, we have verified proof that the babies were beheaded.

Still the ABC goes to great length to equivocate and try and drum up sympathy for the “Palestinian cause” behind this barbarity.

Both Israel and the Palestinian Territories are witnessing civilian homes reduced to rubble.

ABC Australia

The whataboutism and victim-blaming spew unabated from the taxpayer-funded leftist haven.

Too many civilians have already been killed in this new war between Israel and Hamas. Hopefully more are not about to be killed in Israel’s response […]

But if Israelis are feeling anxious, one can only imagine the fear going through the minds of Palestinians in Gaza.

If that’s not bad enough, the ABC goes on in the same piece to accuse Israel of “war crimes”.

One war crime does not justify another.

ABC Australia

And, of course, it’s all Israel’s fault. Echoing their vile Greens heroes, the ABC blithers that Hamas were provoked into beheading babies.

This history of dispossession is ever-present and resonates with young people whose world is just 50 kilometres long and largely devoid of opportunities.

ABC Australia

It’s also a world were 30% of marriages are between first cousins, and the average IQ is around 68.

Never mind, too, that they were given the opportunity to turn aside from barbarity when Israel unilaterally withdrew military and settlers from Gaza in 2005.

And what did they do?

More terror.

Just don’t rely on their ABC to tell you the whole story about that.
