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Why Does National Think This Is a Winning Strategy? 

Christopher Luxon and PM Jacinda Ardern

Mike Highland

New Zealand politicians are notoriously tone-deaf, but the recent statements from National’s new leader Chris Luxon on their Covid-19 strategy are beyond ridiculous. Luxon’s positions can be boiled down to: “I’m just like Jacinda, but without the pesky hair.”

National has a chance to steamroll over Labour. As a nation, we are ready to get back to normal. But instead, National’s position is pumping more experimental Pfizer goo into the arms of our healthy children who bear zero risk of Covid death or even moderate illness.

Perhaps their strategists are looking at the Ardern government’s obvious lie that 95% of the eligible population have taken their shots. They must think this is a bloc of voters to harvest by advocating for more of the same. Not so fast.

First, there is no reason to give any credence to vaccine rates when you consider this is the same government counting a homicide victim as a Covid death. But let’s assume the 95% is not the lie it is. The National strategists must be thinking they are trying to tap into this 95% for voters by continuing the same bad policies, but they have made a huge strategic error.

Even if 95% are vaccinated that does not mean 95% wanted to participate.

Many people were forced to take part in this Pfizer clinical trial and are extremely angry about it. They were threatened and lied to repeatedly. While this worked at first, these voters now realise that the magnitude of the situation was greatly exaggerated and they were put at risk for no good reason. These citizens were denied the most basic rights to exist without coercion and had their jobs and family’s ability to eat threatened. Even worse, some were injured and others died when they complied. Don’t confuse 95% uptake with 95% approval. These people are angry and are not loyal to Ardern.

Those that took two shots only to find out a third (and fourth) is now needed must be justifiably angry. They were lied to that they’d get their freedom back only to find their bodies are on a subscription service to Pfizer. How many are looking at their vaccine passport and wondering the meaning of that expiry date in the middle of it? Will they be free once it expires, or will they be needing to hand their bodies over to Pfizer for an indeterminate period of time to renew?

National should think hard on the above because the anger is not going away. In fact, it’s going to get a lot worse. Overseas these mandates and restrictions are being abandoned in droves as polling numbers come in to show how unhappy people are. Why does the National Party believe the same won’t be happening in New Zealand?

The lies around the Covid response have Jacinda and her hypochondriacs cornered. Her team of psychologists manipulated people brilliantly, but it’s collapsing now. Consider the arc of her lies to date:

First, we won’t mandate. Then, we’ll only mandate for a few. Whoops, we’ll mandate for everyone that interacts with another person. Now you need a booster after six months. Sorry, we meant three months. You can’t travel anywhere without two shots. Sorry, now it’s three shots. Yes of course the vaccine works, but you still need to test and isolate because you can still get sick with Covid. No, that’s not a contradiction you conspiracy theorist!

Also, your kids need the shots even though they have virtually no chance of dying of Covid, but only for 12 and over. Sorry, we meant all 5 and overs. No, we mean infants also. Don’t worry, there are no short term side effects. Well, there are some, but they are rare. OK, they aren’t always rare but are fewer than that from Covid. Yeah we know Covid doesn’t kill children but they should get the shots to save a 98-year-old with terminal cancer and failing kidneys. You don’t want to kill grandpa do you? Of course, he got the vaccine but that doesn’t protect him unless everyone gets it, too.

On and on the lies go until we find ourselves now with a government wanting trials on infants and controlling all movements of people until total compliance is achieved. They even forced Luxon’s old employer, Air NZ, to do their dirty work. As a government-controlled business, they are prohibiting citizens who want to escape Ardern’s medical police state from even leaving without taking part in the experiment. Are they expecting these citizens to travel in the hull of a Chinese freighter at night? Should we be allowing companies to dictate the medical decisions of their customers?

Public health officials have shown their incompetence and their decisions are going to have massive ongoing impacts on New Zealand for decades. They have created a society of neurotic germaphobes. These officials and ivory tower academics are running a massive experiment with no end on our families. To claim that a vaccine that was developed in months with novel technology will have no medium or long-term effects is impossible unless these people have also invented a time machine to go into the future to see what happens.

I would suggest though that we don’t need a time machine to see what happens to the National Party next election if they just keep doing what Ardern is doing.

Anyone that wanted the vaccine at this point would have gotten it. Anyone else simply doesn’t want it. Yet for some reason, Jacinda and her hypochondriacs just can’t leave us alone. The reason at this point is obvious: Covid is a religion. The masks are the Covid burqa. The vaccine, their baptism.  This is not a topic of reasoned debate, this is a cult that has enabled a massive mental illness.

The question is: Why does National think this is a winning strategy?

As the nationwide protests grow, National leadership should come to grips with the reality and change their course right now.

All Covid mandates and restrictions should be immediately dropped. Every single one.

No mandates. No masks. No vaccine passports. No MIQ. No restrictions on travel based on vaccination status.

Repeal all powers given to the Ministry of Health over our lives. We want our freedom back and we aren’t going to settle for half-measures.

If the National Party’s leadership is not going to give it to us, we will find people that will. These are not negotiable terms. It’s time to get back to life and put these hypochondriacs back in their padded room with their germs where they belong.
