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Why Wouldn’t Hipkins Release Kiri Allan’s RNZ Transcript Earlier?

Minister of Justice Kiritapu Allan. Image credit The BFD.

David Seymour
ACT Party Leader

Recent revelations about bad working relationships with Minister Kiri Allan raise questions about why Prime Minister Chris Hipkins wouldn’t release the transcript of her controversial speech to Radio New Zealand earlier this year.

Was he aware of these other issues and trying to protect his minister? Or perhaps he did not know because no one in his office thought to tell him? Either option is possible.

This Labour Government seems to work on a three strikes principle for ministerial behaviour (or 12 in the case of some ministers). This is the third strike for Kiri Allan after revelations she received donations from then-Race Relations Commissioner Meng Foon (who resigned under a cloud this month) and criticised RNZ’s culture and treatment of Maori staff at a farewell event for her fiancée, Mani Dunlop.

Labour’s self-proclaimed ‘most transparent government ever’ seems to work on the principle that if they can hide bad behaviour, it never happened. The Prime Minister only ever acts when he is forced to by mounting evidence.

It makes you wonder if there’s something else the government is trying to keep quiet.

In Kiri Allan’s case, by releasing snippets of the transcript of her RNZ speech and hiding other parts, the Prime Minister only made Allan’s speech more suspicious. He should clear up any lingering doubts and release the whole transcript.

If the Prime Minister has nothing to hide, why wouldn’t he take the open and transparent approach Labour has long promised and ask for the tape to be released?
