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Why You Shouldn’t Dismiss National and ACT

letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

I have read your articles in the past as they have provided me with a sense of balanced normality; however, I now find myself reading articles that seem to “rubbish” the right-wing parties.

OK, both ACT and National leaders may have some failings (so do many people) but to dismiss either right-wing party outright is really short-sighted. Stating that I cannot give ACT or National my party vote any more (it is homeless) is not a very sound strategy and is a vote for Labour and the Greens.

Until there is another alternative right-wing party of mention, then there is no need to abstain on your vote because an abstention is a vote for the left.

If we as a country continue to follow the path of the current government and allow them another term, this country will truly be up the creek without a paddle. Forget the personalities; what the right offers is a business-like approach to managing a country in need of direction; maybe we need to promote that.

Freedom will come through policy and economic reform whereby individuals will have increased spending power, freedom to allow them to roam and enjoy what they like, unlike the current government who restricts your freedom and divides us through their misguided policies.

We should try to extract the positive.

At the next election, I believe there are two choices –

  • left for socialism / communism or
  • right for freedom and democracy

Dame Whina Cooper said the Treaty was signed so we could all live as one nation, not divided; unlike where this current government has this country heading.

Readers should not throw their vote away as others did in the 2020 election when they gave their party vote to Labour under the portents of the Greens’ Capital Gains Tax.

These are my thoughts today.


Forever right and never left
