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Winston Peters wants a scalp and as we earlier alluded to on the BFD that scalp belongs to National party deputy leader Paula Bennett.

[…] once Paula Bennett no longer represents an electorate, she can easily be sacrificed during coalition negotiations with NZ First. Winston Peters believes that Bennett was the leaker, and if he makes her removal from the list the price of a coalition deal, National’s leader may be quite happy to pay it.
Bennett probably hasn’t realised yet that by giving up a safe seat for a list place she has made herself expendable. Especially if her campaign is as awful as everything else Paula Bennett does.

Sources tell us that Paula’s plan was to have Anne Tolley take the fall, but that plan had been foiled as someone senior in National has decided to force Paula’s hand by leaking details to the media to put pressure on her.

Paula Bennett, of course, has given up her safe electorate seat and now is on the party list. As we warned in our article earlier this makes it very easy for Bennett to be chucked under the bus if it benefits the National party leader to do so.

Now Winston has named his price according to Newstalk ZB and he is very clear about what he wants. Winston Peters has said that he will settle his lawsuit against the National party in exchange for Paula Bennett’s head on a silver platter.

The scalp of Paula Bennett is being demanded if National is to avoid a lawsuit by NZ First Leader Winston Peters, Newstalk ZB understands.

Lawyers for both sides met in Auckland last week where the National side expressed their interest in settling the case before it goes to the Auckland High Court on November the 5th.
National’s lawyers, Bruce Gray QC and former Young Nat Peter Keily expressed their wish for the case to be settled out of court.
Peters’ side, led by his longtime friend Brian Henry apparently asked what were they prepared to offer return.
During the discussion, mention was made of a “National Party body”.

Newstalk ZB understands that was a clear reference to former Deputy Prime Minister Paula Bennett.[…]
Peters is suing Bennett, former State Services Minister, and former Social Development Minister Anne Tolley who were the only two to be told by their officials during the last election campaign that Peters had been overpaid his pension for the previous seven years, amounting to $21,000.

Newstalk ZB

Decisions, decisions…how long do you think it will take National party leader Simon Bridges to ask Paula Bennett to take one for the team I wonder?

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