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Winston Peters: On Remarks by Maori Party MP Mariameno Kapa-Kingi

WELLINGTON, NEW ZEALAND – JULY 23: Acting Prime Minister Winston Peters speaks to media during a post-cabinet press conference at Parliament on July 23, 2018 in Wellington, New Zealand. Winston Peters is serving as acting Prime Minister while Jacinda Ardern is on maternity leave. (Photo by Hagen Hopkins/Getty Images)

Winston Peters

Winston Peters is the Leader of New Zealand First, NZ Deputy Prime Minister, Foreign Minister, and Minister of Racing. The above was posted on X on May 6 and reported by Kiwiblog on May 7

On Wednesday last week Maori Party MP Mariameno Kapa-Kingi gave a general debate speech in the House with this opening sentence, “No matter my words today, the Government will not waver in its mission to exterminate Maori.”

She went on to say, “The theory of the Minister is that Oranga Tamariki’s governing principles should be colour-blind, which is just another word for white supremacy, because to say we are all one people is really to say we should all be white people.”

And “The Government’s reasons to take it away can be summed up in a few short words: racism and Pakeha supremacy.”

These ignorant and offensive accusations leave little to the imagination about the mindset of Kapa-Kingi, her party, and the rest of her fellow cultural travellers – she doesn’t care about what she said, how offensive it is, or how bereft of fact it is.

Kapa-Kingi is either dangerously ignorant or she believes what she said is true. The most frightening thing is its probably both.

By the Maori Party’s own proclamations, the number of Maori in New Zealand total anywhere up to 20% of the population. So why do they think their 3% party vote allows them to speak on behalf of all Maori? It doesn’t.

The Coalition Government’s Cabinet has the largest number of Maori on record.

Just because the Maori Party arrogantly choose to walk into parliament with Huia feathers on their heads and use every speech to repeat ‘colonisation’, ‘oppression’, and ‘white man’s guilt’, doesn’t give them a claim to speak on behalf of Maori – nor do the majority of Maori want them to.

Great Maori leaders of the past like Carroll, Ngata, Pomare, and Buck believed in representing all Maori across New Zealand with a pan-Maori view – working together with all New Zealanders. The Maori Party today are saying “if you are Maori and don’t think like us you aren’t really Maori.”

It shows just how far down the ‘race-based rabbit hole’ these cultural Marxists are willing to take New Zealand and how the media have let them get away with it.

They don’t want democracy, they want anarchy – headed by their Maori elitist cronies turning this country into something akin to apartheid. They would justify this of course because “Maori have superior DNA” as Co-Leader Rawiri Waititi not only said but arrogantly tried to justify.

Kapa-Kingi: Accuses the government of wanting to “exterminate Maori”, of saying the government has theories of “white supremacy”, that the government is saying “we should all be white people”, and government policy is because of “racism and Pakeha supremacy”.

Mainstream media reaction: Zero.

The fact is the Maori Party doesn’t care what they say or how they say it – not least of which is because they get away with it.

The good thing is they are nowhere near government – nor will they ever be.

New Zealand First is going to stop this sort of separatist hate-filled agenda.

New Zealand is one country and one people.
