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Rob Salmond
General Secretary
Labour Party

Kia ora

The days are getting shorter and colder, which means it’s once again time for Labour’s Winter Energy Payment.

I’m enormously proud that Labour introduced the Winter Energy Payment back in 2018. Since then, the payment has helped around a million New Zealanders every year stay warmer and healthier during the colder months. It’s a core part of our Families Package which, along with our main benefit changes, means more than 100,000 families with children are now on average $150 a week better off during winter.

The Winter Energy Payment has just started again for 2021, and I know it will make a real difference for families around New Zealand. You can read more about the Winter Energy Payment and other ways we’re helping Kiwis keep warm and healthy here.

One of the reasons so many people like you, tell us that you support Labour is that we’re working on the issues that matter. Like you, we want a country where nobody has to choose between staying warm and feeding the family, and this policy is a critical way we’re delivering on that promise.

Thank you for your support so far, which has allowed us to roll out important policies like the Winter Energy Payment, and thank you for supporting our ongoing plans to make New Zealand an even better place to live in the future. We couldn’t do any of it without you.

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