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A rare Californian bee. The BFD. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Should we be surprised at anything that comes out of Democrat-run America, any more? Pizzas are a vegetable, women have penises… and bees are fish.

Yes, you read that right: bees are now legally considered fish in California. Where else, but California?

The head-scratching decision by the California Court of Appeals was hailed by proponents as “a win for the bumblebees.”

It reversed a lower court’s ruling in favor of agricultural interests who argued the state’s Endangered Species Act protected only “birds, mammals, fish, amphibians, reptiles, and plants” – not bees or other bugs.

This is, in fact, a grimly typical leftist move: when the plain truth doesn’t suit their ideology, simply change the plain meaning of words to mean whatever the activists want them to mean. In this case, because the legislation doesn’t specifically protect bees, but does protect fish, the activists decided to simply pretend that bees are fish.

The decision was a victory for environmental groups and the state’s Fish and Game Commission, which had pushed to list four bumblebee species as endangered.

The court in its opinion gave the commission the right to list invertebrate species like the bees as “endangered” even if they’re not aquatic animals.

The judges wrote that “although the term fish is colloquially and commonly understood to refer to aquatic species,” the law makes the legal “definition of fish… not so limited,” Fox News reported.


Fish: a creature that lives in water, breathes through gills, and uses fins and a tail for swimming.


Fish: an animal that lives in water, is covered with scales, and breathes by taking water in through its mouth.


Also, bees.

Matthew Sanders of Stanford Law School’s Environmental Law Clinic hailed the decision as “a win for the bumblebees, all imperiled invertebrates in California, and the California Endangered Species Act.”

Insects are “foundational to California’s agricultural production and healthy ecosystems,” he told Reuters.

New York Post

That still doesn’t make them fish, you idiot.

Boys will be girls and bees will be fish, it’s a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world, in california, cali, cali, california…
