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word of the day

The word for today is…

detritus (noun) – 1. Loose fragments or grains that have been worn away from rock.
2. Disintegrated or eroded matter; debris.

Source : The Free Dictionary

Etymology : If you use detritus in speech, remember to stress the second syllable, as you do in the words arthritis and bronchitis. Once you’ve mastered its meaning and pronunciation, you’ll find that detritus is a term—originally a geology term—that can be applied in many situations.

After the first hard freeze of fall, gardens are littered with the detritus of the summer’s plants and produce: stalks, leaves, vines, and maybe even an abandoned hand trowel. As a flood-swollen river retreats to its banks, it leaves detritus—debris gathered by the raging waters—in its wake. The detritus of civilization may include junkyards and abandoned buildings; mental detritus may include all kinds of useless trivia.
