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Minister of Conservation Eugenie Sage

Sir Bob Jones

The Green Party’s Environment spokesperson Eugenie Sage entertained readers enormously with a guest-piece in the New Zealand Herald. Here’s a sample.

“In a Maori world view, the relationships between all living things are the basis of a profound respect for and connection through whakapapa with Te Taiao”.


I assume Eugenie doesn’t include the moas they wiped out. And I gather their pre-European practice of eating one another somehow didn’t count.

Should Eugenie care to expend a few hours attendance in our courts and watch the succession of mainly Maoris in the dock for assaults, wife-beating, (a Maori speciality as the Women’s Refuge could tell her), plus child-murdering, a “profound respect for living things” will not be very evident.

Eugenie is a pleasant woman and doubtless means well. I had a session with her and then Labour MP and now Christchurch mayor, Lianne Dalziel a few years back. Like me, Lianne enjoys a drink or twelve (just as a warm-up) and Eugenie was innocently bewildered as we went at it.

But she harms any useful message she wants to deliver when she pumps out this mush and naivety is not an excuse. Truth ultimately prevails.

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