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Around the world, leaders immediately declared their unequivocal support for Israel as news of the horrifying Hamas terror attacks unfolded. They’ve immediately taken steps to ensure the safety of their local Jewish populations.

Compare that to Australia’s shameful government, where the PM took twelve hours to respond, while his foreign minister urged “restraint” on Israel. Even worse, in Sydney, police did nothing while Muslims burned an Israeli flag on the steps of the Opera House, and chanted “fuck the Jews” and “gas the Jews”.

Well, that’s not entirely true: they did arrest a Jewish man trying to attend a vigil.

Once again, Australia’s governing class is put to shame by the rest of the civilised world.

In the United States, New York Gov. Kathy Hochul (D) announced New York State and New York City police have stepped up their protection of Jewish communities and synagogues […]

Police have also increased security and patrols new Jewish institutions in Los Angeles, Beverly Hills, and Santa Monica.

It’s not just in America.

Police protection of Jewish institutions also tightened in Germany and France on Saturday. The Palestinian terror attack happened on the Jewish holiday of Shemini Atzeret, the final day of the annual High Holy Day cycle.

Some supporters of the Palestinian cause were seen celebrating the attacks in the streets of Berlin, Germany, leading to increased security.

“In Berlin, police protection has been immediately stepped up,” Germany’s Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said. “The federal government and the regions are closely coordinating their actions.”

Faeser also said German authorities are closely watching “potential supporters of Hamas in the Islamist sphere.”

Security is similarly being stepped up at synagogues in France.


Meanwhile, Anthony Albanese, who made a point of visiting Lakemba mosque (the epicentre of the anti-Jewish celebrations this week) to spruik his failing “Voice” referendum, is yet to so much as darken the doorstep of a synagogue.

Once again, put to shame by other world leaders.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said that his government’s support for Israel was “unequivocal” in an address at a synagogue on Monday night […]

British leaders from across the political spectrum issued an almost unanimous declaration of support for Israel on Monday, capped by Sunak’s attendance at a service at the Finchley United Synagogue in North London.

“I am unequivocal,” Sunak told a packed audience. “There are not two sides to these events. There is no question of balance. I stand with Israel. We stand with Israel. The United Kingdom stands with Israel.”

Jewish Telegraphic Agency

Compare that with the mealy-mouthed equivocation of the Albanese government’s “restraint” prattling.

Or, even worse, senior Albanese government ministers’ shameful failure to condemn the disgusting Muslim celebrations in Sydney.

Tony Burke has failed to directly condemn a preacher in his electorate who said he was elated at the murder of Israelis, as the head of the nation’s peak Jewish body called on the Workplace Relations Minister to “repudiate this incitement in the harshest and clearest terms”.

Mr Burke and his fellow senior cabinet colleague from Western Sydney, Energy Minister Chris Bowen, have been silent for days about the attacks on Israel, and behaviour from members of their electorates.

The Australian

“Members of their electorates”: and there’s the rub. Labor absolutely depends on Sydney’s Muslim heartland western suburbs to shore up their measly 32% primary vote.

These disgusting creeps will say — or, rather, not say — anything for a grubby vote.

Speaking of disgusting creeps, America has its own equivalent of the vile Greens, in Australia and NZ.

The Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) held a rally in New York City’s Times Square on Sunday in support of the Palestinian terror group Hamas and its attack on Israel, which has thus far killed 700 and wounded over 2,000 Israeli civilians and soldiers […]

The DSA, which counts four Democratic members of Congress as members — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (NY), Rashida Tlaib (MI), Jamaal Bowman (NY), and Cori Bush (MO) — rallied in the heart of a city that was targeted by Islamic terrorists two decades ago.

In one image that has gone viral, a protester held up a swastika to taunt pro-Israel counter-demonstrators — many of whom were Jewish.


Know them by the company they keep, indeed.

Charming. The BFD.
