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Green Party Member Golriz Ghahraman supports Palestine. Credit: Twitter/Ricardo Menendez March

Is it just a coincidence that the Hamas flag is green? Was it a coincidence that the Nazis were the first environmental party? Forget the brown shirts and black boots, the West’s most hateful anti-Semites today are far too likely to be wearing Green. Either the poisonous green of the Greens or the wishy-washy, wannabe-green of the Teals.

When people have been targeted for the most deadly genocidal attacks since the industrial-scale attempt to obliterate their race nearly eighty years ago, no decent person could surely deny them unequivocal condolences and support.

No decent person perhaps — but the Greens and Teals aren’t decent people.

Two Sydney teal MPs have joined forces with the Greens to accuse Israel of war crimes just nine days after Hamas terrorists murdered more than 1400 Israelis, in a move condemned as “reprehensible” by prominent Jewish leaders.

Sydney MPs Kylea Tink and Sophie Scamps, and Tasmania’s Andrew Wilkie, backed an ­attempt by Greens leader Adam Bandt to amend the bipartisan motion, seeking to erase a statement declaring Australia “stands with Israel and recognises its inherent right to defend itself”.

In its place, the Greens sought to condemn “war crimes perpetrated by the state of Israel, including the bombing of Palestinian civilians”, and call for an immediate ceasefire.

In other words, the Greens are blaming the victims of last Saturday’s horror — the thousands murdered, the pregnant women gutted like fish, the babies beheaded in their cots, the grandmothers burned alive, the girls whose raped, naked corpses were paraded like pinatas to cheering crowds of Palestinian civilians — and demanding that the perpetrators get let off without punishment. That the hundreds of abducted women and children be left to be raped, tortured and murdered.

Because that’s what an “immediate ceasefire” means in practice: Israel does nothing after thousands of Jews are slaughtered, and Hamas slinks back to Gaza to a hero’s welcome.

This is what the Greens and Teals want. As for Andrew Wilkie — let’s not forget that, as a cadet officer, he was accused of forcing fellow cadets to perform the Nazi salute. Old habits die hard, it seems.

Tell me again that they aren’t the vilest anti-Semites to pollute Western politics in nearly a century.

Jews, at least, aren’t failing to notice the revolting excrescence of the world’s oldest hatred.

As Israeli troops prepare for a ground invasion of Gaza, Sydney Rabbi Nochum Schapiro blasted the minor party and its independent backers, saying those who sought to weaken Israel’s response to the massacre of its people were akin to “Nazi enablers”.

The NSW Jewish Board of Deputies condemned the MPs’ position as “completely indefensible and morally reprehensible”, while the Executive Council of Australian Jewry accused them of a “moral fog” that insulted the Jewish people.

To his credit, after prevaricating for sixteen hours last week, PM Anthony Albanese was unequivocal in his address to parliament.

Introducing the motion to parliament on the first sitting day since Hamas’s attack on October 7, Anthony Albanese said Australia must consider the attack on the Jewish state with “complete moral clarity”.

“Hamas terrorists committed mass murder on a horrific scale,” the Prime Minister told parliament. “This was no act of war against the army of an enemy. It was the slaughter of innocent people. It was an act of terror. Calculated, pitiless brutality.”

And the Greens, the Teals, and Labor’s hard left want them to be allowed to get away with it.

The Australian understands the government’s leadership group pushed back against some Left-faction MPs who wanted to toughen the motion’s rhetoric against Israel on humanitarian grounds.

Truly, as Orwell wrote the last time open anti-Semitism marched in the West, a “humanitarian” is always a hypocrite.

But there are hypocrites, and then there are the Greens.

Mr Bandt said the Greens condemned the Hamas attack on innocent Israelis and declared there was “no place for anti-­Semitism or Islamophobia” in Australia.

Leaving aside the odious gambit of, every time Muslims run amok, standing with the violent fanatics by invoking so-called “Islamophobia”, how can Bandt claim with a straight face to oppose anti-Semitism, when just days ago his own MPs marched proudly alongside Muslims shouting “Gas the Jews”?

“Australia cannot stay silent,” says Bandt. Even as he stays resolutely silent on his fellow Green MPs standing shoulder-to-shoulder with fanatics chanting, “Fuck the Jews” and burning Jewish flags.

To use a favourite saying of NZ’s own Disinformation Project, if three Greens MPs march with a hundred Nazis without protest, there are 103 Nazis at the march.

Yet, where were Kate Hannah and Byron Clark, when anti-Semites blacked out a show of condolence at the Auckland War Memorial Museum?

Apparently, when it comes to Jews, They are not Us.

The only silver lining in this unabashed Jew-hating is that at least two of the Teals may have signed their political death warrants. The affluent north Sydney suburbs in seats held by the Teals boast substantial Jewish populations.

Rabbi Schapiro, whose Chabad North Shore includes members from Ms Tink’s and Ms Scamps’ electorates, said the “moral equivalencies” advocated by the Greens and their supporters were aimed at “weakening Israel’s hand”.

“What happened is similar to Nazism, similar to 9-11. The atrocities committed by Hamas are exactly the same as those committed by the Nazis during World War II,” he said. “For anyone to weaken Israel’s hand when all it’s trying to do is protect its people from barbaric massacres is akin to me as Nazi enablers.”
“For anyone to weaken Israel’s hand when all it’s trying to do is protect its people from barbaric massacres is akin to me as Nazi enablers.”

Rabbi Nochum Schapiro

At least the majority of Australia’s federal parliamentarians remembered their common decency.

The Greens’ amendment was voted down 107 to seven. The original motion subsequently passed by an overwhelming 134 votes to four.

No prizes for guessing which party those four belong to: the Greens.

The Executive Council of Australian Jewry’s co-CEO Alex Ryvchin said the Greens were “so hardwired in their loathing of Israel and distrust of the Australian Jewish community that they could not even extend symbolic solidarity with our community”. He said the independents who backed the resolution sought to undermine Israel’s mission to save the 165 hostages taken by Hamas.

The Australian

As if the Greens are about them. They’re only Jews, after all.
