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You Can’t Have a Meaningful Debate with 2 Short Planks

Image credit The BFD

Gauleiter Jacinda Ardern is pedalling backwards as fast as she can on her proposed hate speech laws. Her interview yesterday morning on the AM Show with Duncan Garner was falsehood after falsehood. It was so egregious that even the Government cheerleader, Tova OBrien put down the pompoms and called out the lying Prime Minister in a brutal destruction of her many lies.

Now ‘Jackboot Jacinda‘ is trying to sheet any failure for her hate speech laws home to the Opposition, who it seems aren’t playing ball with ‘Jackboot Jax’.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern says she hopes opposition parties will engage in a meaningful debate over proposed changes to the country’s hate speech laws.

The government wants to introduce harsher penalties for hate speech including up to three years of jail time and fines up to $50,000, as part of its response to the Royal Commission of Inquiry into the mosque attacks.

The National and ACT parties have come out against the plans, calling the changes “Orwellian” and “cancel culture on steroids”.

Ardern told Morning Report the proposal was about strengthening what laws the country already had in place.

“We already have provisions to deal with what I describe – you know some call it hate speech – I’d call it extreme speech.

“The debate is whether or not in the aftermath of what we’ve experienced on March 15 we need to include the likes of religion, and that is something the Royal Commission did recommend we extend to.

“So I would reach out to those across all sides of the House and say, look, given we have been called on to do this, I’d very interested in what their view is and what they would see as being a way to make sure that we are bringing in those who were at the most extreme end of an experience.”

Radio New Zealand

You can’t have a meaningful debate with 2 short planks and Jacinda Ardern seems particularly thick when it comes to this topic.

She agreed that bipartisan support was crucial for a legislation like this.

“What I would just encourage is for them to debate what’s infront of them and just acknowledge why we’re doing this.”

Radio New Zealand

Does she mean it will not proceed without said bipartisan support then? Say it, say the words Jacinda. Say it.

Because the Opposition are most certainly going to have a debate on this, and it will be one-way traffic against the Government’s Nanny State provisions. There will NOT be any bipartisan support for muzzling people from saying rude or insulting things.

This dog won’t hunt, but the Prime Minister doesn’t realise it yet.

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No More Shirking from Home

No More Shirking from Home

The Government orders people shirking from home back to the office. The wailing and howling from the unions and Labour is hilarious.

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