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Freedom Village Credit: Aggie Zhang Credit: Aggie Zhang

The Freedoms & Rights Coalition



We are in the winning position! Even MSM admits it. We must continue to hold the line at Parliament in unity.

Our First Big Win

Collectively we have dragged the vaccine mandate debate into the public arena for open discussion. All the political parties are now talking about when we will lift the vaccine mandates. That’s a win, whichever way you want to slice it.

Due to public pressure, even Jacinda yesterday admitted, “From late March, it would likely be more realistic to ease public health measures…..some mandates would inevitably be less necessary after Omicron subsided.”

She also went on to say, “vaccine passes will likely be removed when New Zealand moves away from the red traffic light stage.”

There is no way that Jacinda and this government would have back-stepped on some of these things if they weren’t being so widely discussed in the public domain. These are after all political animals, driven by public opinion.

When she has to keep saying “this is not because of the protestors…” you know that it damn well is because of the protestors.

Our Second Win

We will continue to apply enough public pressure until we get this win…all vaccine mandates lifted by 1st March 2022.

Many Kiwis do not want to take the booster, with this new 1st March deadline pending across key workforces. They do not want to be forced anymore. They do not want to be bribed anymore. TFRC is taking calls daily from those who do not want Jacinda’s booster.

We want to save jobs, and see all those who have lost jobs, be reinstated. There are now significant workforce shortages across all industries that have enforced mandates…and it’s a simple, quick fix…lift the mandates.

Let’s not wait until the end of March as the PM hinted at today. This stalemate has already gone on too long. People have the right to earn a livelihood.
