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Image credit The BFD.

New Zealand First Media

The court action I took against Speaker Trevor Mallard has today resulted in his public apology.  This action was taken not for myself, but on behalf of the people of New Zealand to make a stand and fight for our fundamental freedoms, rights, and to protect our democracy.

Mr Mallard has admitted to the High Court that his actions were unreasonable and irrational when he trespassed me from Parliament.  It was clearly unjustified and a direct attack on every New Zealander’s freedoms which are protected under the New Zealand Bill of Rights Act.

The actions taken by Mr Mallard contrary to the Bill of Rights is a disgraceful indictment on the position and responsibility he had as the Speaker of our House.

To think that this behaviour is now rewarded with an overseas diplomatic post representing New Zealand on the world stage is a staggering insult to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and to every New Zealander.

What is astonishing, is that the Prime Minister announced Mr Mallard’s appointment despite knowing all of the details behind his apology – including his self-admitted irrational and unreasonable behaviour. With this added to his past record of wrongfully accusing a parliamentary staffer of rape – costing taxpayers hundreds of thousands of dollars, spraying people including children with cold water, and yet still appointing him in an ambassadorial role, shows an unmeasurable depth of contempt for all New Zealanders and indeed to the people of Ireland.

Censure Mallard. Photoshopped image credit: Boondecker. The BFD.

Speaker Rurawhe Media Release below


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