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Allow Aussie travel for Christmas, Prime Minister

The BFD.

If the Prime Minister won’t heed the calls of the nearly 100,000 people who have signed National’s petition to end MIQ right now then she should at least open the Trans-Tasman Bubble for Christmas, says Leader of the Opposition Judith Collins.

MIQ is a lottery of human misery and has seen one million Kiwis overseas shut out from their own country. The Prime Minister calls them “cumulative risks”, I call them Kiwis with rights.

National thinks the government should end MIQ right now, allowing fully vaccinated travellers with negative pre-departure tests to enter New Zealand. From December 15, vaccinated Aucklanders will be able to travel around New Zealand, while fully vaccinated New Zealanders in Queensland, where there are currently only 4 active Covid cases, will be unable to enter New Zealand to be with family for Christmas.

The Prime Minister seems firm on continuing her cruel and callous MIQ policy for everyone entering New Zealand, but one low-risk thing she could do to bring relief to thousands of people is open the long-dormant Trans-Tasman Bubble for Christmas.

There is no reason other than the Prime Minister’s obstinacy as to why fully vaccinated travellers with negative Covid tests couldn’t enter New Zealand from Australia.

Families around New Zealand will have empty seats at Christmas dinner this year unless the government acts now.

Australia is opening up. NSW, Victoria and the ACT have already opened quarantine-free travel to Kiwis with others on the way. We need to return the favour.

If we can let fully vaccinated Kiwis travel around New Zealand at Christmas time why can’t we do this across the Tasman too?

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