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Apparently It’s Ok to Be a Little Bit Terrorist

Just as long as it’s the sort of terrorist the left likes.

Not a problem, according to ASIO. The Good Oil. Photoshop by Lushington Brady.

Try to imagine a national security adviser saying that it’s OK for a potential immigrant to verbally support the Nazi Party, so long as they don’t actually gas Jews. It would never be off the front pages. The screeching from the left would be deafening. The bureaucrat’s career would be over in seconds.

Yet, when ASIO chief Mike Burgess said there was nothing to stop people who openly support a genocidally anti-Semitic terror group, just so long as they don’t actually kill Jews, he’s still safe and secure in his job. The mainstream media and the left cheered him on. But then, this is the same left who furiously deny the undeniable mass-rape and torture of Jewish women by genocidal savages.

Genocidal savages they’re desperate to import en masse to Australia – with the Albanese government and its lickspittle bureaucracy only too happy to oblige.

The main fault is with the government. It decided to give Palestinians from Gaza wishing to come to Australia visitor visas. It should have announced this, and told the public what it was doing and why. Instead the information had to be dragged out of it piecemeal. When the government was talking to a national security audience the subtext was: we’re doing almost nothing, so there’s nothing to see here.

Nothing, that is, apart from importing thousands of low-IQ, inbred, terrorist supporters. Which is easily the most lunatic immigration policy since Malcolm Fraser in 1975 threw open the gates to thousands of Muslims from the backwaters of Lebanon.

But at least Fraser had bureaucrats who tried to stop him, warning him of the danger for the future: danger we’ve seen in the form of dozens of terror attacks and hundreds of anti-Semitic demonstrations. This, time, though, the bureaucrats are part of the problem.

On the Insiders program, Burgess said some moderate degree of support for the Hamas terror group would not be an obstacle to someone wanting to come to Australia, so long as that person did not share the Hamas ideology.

Let that sink in.

Not just the obvious double-speak – how, after all, does one support a group without sharing its ideology? – but the frankly jaw-dropping idea that terrorist supporters are fine to come here. This is the same government, after all, that will ban someone for the temerity of saying that men are not women.

And the same ASIO chief who constantly shrieks about the ‘threat of the far-right’, even as bug-eyed Muslims regularly wreak bloody havoc in Australian cities.

In 45 years of professional journalism I can never remember any previous minister or official saying it was OK to support a terrorist group, provided that support was just verbal or some such. Even less is this all right for someone seeking to come to Australia. Is it OK to give verbal support to al-Qa’ida, or Islamic State, or even the Ku Klux Klan? Maybe such support wouldn’t get you locked up in Australia, but it certainly shouldn’t earn you a visa either. This is in fact a very radical statement. If not, show me its equivalent.

Far from calling Burgess to heel, the Albanese government is singing from the same hymn sheet. When it isn’t lying through its teeth, that is.

Assistant Defence Minister Matt Thistlethwaite says visas for Palestinians are going through the “normal security checks” undertaken by ASIO.

Except, as it turned out, they’re not. Most of them are getting hand-waved through after ticking a few boxes on a website. ASIO isn’t even bothering to check most of them.

Hamas is not only a terrorist organisation. Its charter contains the most foul and vicious traditional anti-Semitism. The government must clarify what it means to say some degree of support for Hamas is no problem. The opposition would be failing its duty to the nation to leave this matter unresolved.

Labor are too terrified of losing critical votes in Western Sydney. What’s the coalition’s excuse?

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