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Auckland Council Has Thousands of Unneeded Staff

Auckland Council Phil Goff

Craig Lord
Auckland Mayoral Candidate 2022

The Auckland Ratepayers Alliance has provided Mayoral candidate Craig Lord with a fascinating view of Council operations after sharing an OIA that requested the ‘essential’ staff numbers during the COVID lockdowns.

Under normal circumstances, Auckland Council employs 6470 full-time staff, but during the COVID period, it was able to operate with a skeleton staff of 956

Mayoral candidate, Craig Lord says this is proof that Council is a bloated organisation.

Craig Lord. Photo supplied. The BFD.

“I fully appreciate that we would struggle to operate like that permanently, and the list of 956 would be missing specific roles like lifeguards at the swimming pools, but generally speaking, what it does show is we don’t require 6470.”

Lord knows there will be Council employees uncomfortable with the staffing conversation, but in all fairness to the ratepayer, it is a topic that needs serious addressing.

“There are two areas where Council is haemorrhaging funds, the contractor system and wages. I know I won’t get the vote of anyone under direct scrutiny or in the firing line to lose their job, but I have to make a stand for all of Auckland. We need full audits of every Council department, I’ve always had it as a policy, and now thanks to the LGOIMA from ARA, the policy has even more merit.”

Lord has perused the list of essential services and was intrigued by many job titles, making him even more determined.

“You do need to question many of the positions, and it’s not going to be easy to sift through it all. No sane business operator would allow various departments of their own company to create unique roles as they see fit. However, it does seem as though Auckland Council does.”

“I’ve been saying for a long time that we need to reduce middle and upper management levels and increase the frontline staff. Council is a service industry, and sadly it’s become a cosy employment opportunity. I will work hard with the executive and HR teams to make the changes that the ratepayer deserves.”


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