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Christian Leaders to Challenge NZ Government in Battle for Religious Freedoms

brown wooden cross during golden hour
Photo by Aaron Burden. The BFD.

Free To Be Church
Logan Hagoort

As lockdown mandates and worship restrictions drag on throughout Aotearoa, a group of Christian Pastors and Leaders have formed an alliance to challenge the Government’s continual restrictions on places of worship.

“Free To Be Church is a nationwide effort by a group of NZ pastors, church leaders, and Christians to secure and protect the lawful, God-given freedoms to practice our faith in accordance with God’s Word, and as recognised within both the New Zealand Bill of Rights, and the treaty of Waitangi,” says spokesperson Rev. Logan Hagoort.

Free To Be Church believes this issue is about more than simply the lockdown regulations.

“For over 200 years the Church within New Zealand, has been separate from the state, and had the freedom to govern itself, and we want to see this rightful respect for the church on the part of the state restored again ASAP” says Hagoort.

Free To Be Church has engaged legal representation in order to seek a judicial review of the government’s actions in relation to churches throughout this pandemic.

“Our current focus involves using all legal means available to us to both defend our right to religious freedom, and urge the government to act consistently with existing constitutional documents as it specifically pertains to churches operating during lockdowns.”

“It is unfortunate that it has come to this, but we firmly believe that this matter is far too important to be left unaddressed in the courts any longer,” says Hagoort.

The Free To Be Church Webinar

In this live webinar Pastors Kris Baines, Matthew Johnston, Andre Bay, Jason Winslade & Logan Hagoort will give details of an exciting new NZ-wide campaign on behalf of Christian churches in New Zealand, discuss the essentiality of the local church, and take questions live from participants. We hope you can join us.

Time: Oct 22, 2021, 01:00 PM in Auckland, Wellington

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