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Commission’s Report Leaves Unanswered Questions

Cartoon credit SonovaMin

Today’s final report from the Climate Change Commission still leaves unanswered questions even through there has been some movement from the 70 specific policy recommendations in the draft advice, National’s Climate Change spokesperson Stuart Smith says.

“The draft report proposed measures like banning gas connections, which would have had a huge impact on the lives of everyday New Zealanders and framed these as necessary government actions.

“We’re pleased the Commission has listened to National’s concerns and shifted to an approach of providing policy direction to elected officials.

“National continues to have concerns with some of the policy interventions being suggested by the Commission such as the car tax and banning car imports.

“We broadly support the approach the Commission has taken to developing carbon budgets, but the 8 per cent reduction required over the next four years will not be an easy task.

“We still have questions on why farmers are being asked to do more than the targets set out in the Zero Carbon Act.

“We still have concerns with some of the policy interventions being proposed to achieve out emissions targets, such as the car tax.

“The previous National Government signed New Zealand up to the Paris Agreement in 2015, we supported the Zero Carbon Act and we support the carbon budget approach the Commission has taken.

“National continues to believe the Emissions Trading Scheme should remain the primary tool to achieve our emissions targets.

“As the Government rolls out its own policies as a result of this report, we’ll continue to push it to take practical and sensible solutions to combat climate change.”

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