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Communism Through the Back Door

white wooden door
Photo by Dima Pechurin. The BFD.

One of the themes of the novel 1984 that is often overlooked is that not only does the regime abolish a vast number of words, but what the implications are of doing so. When there are no words for overthrowing them, and a generation or two is kept deliberately ignorant, then it becomes impossible for anybody to organise an overthrow if they cannot even verbalise what they mean.

In America, various communist infiltrators have ensured Bar association rules kneecap conservative lawyers by introducing a speech code. Although not widely adopted – yet – the intention of this is to ensure lawyers are not even able to say certain things, which in turn means they cannot represent clients seeking redress under, for instance, the 1st Amendment. This is a backdoor way of introducing communism to America and ensuring the majority of the population bow down to tyranny.

It appears a challenge to this nonsense is heading, slowly but surely, towards the Supreme Court, where we should all hope reason prevails over tyranny.

This is a chilling development and one of the clearest indications yet of how conservative America was too busy attending ball games, drinking beer, and making money, to realise what the left-wingers were doing since the start of the Obama regime. Be under no illusions, dear reader, this is all deliberate, all intentional. Americans have long since rued the day they “swallowed it whole” and elected a Commie as President.

There are a number of freedom-related concepts, often distilled into glib one-liners, which are intrinsically ‘American’; for instance suggesting you “should be able to rent your house out to whomever you please” or “it’s nobody’s business why I want to own guns”. When you file lawsuits, and dig out the numerous legal precedents, the left-wing viewpoint fails; the freedom – “American” – viewpoint always wins. So if you make it impossible for your lawyer to even say the words then you can change things in any way you want and there’s nothing anybody can do about it. Imagine being able to disbar Supreme Court Justices for saying certain words.

It makes the job of a communist America that much easier.

If you read this article, notice the level of confusion which has been created. The appeals court panel wasn’t even sure the person challenging the speech codes had legal standing to bring the lawsuit. Once again folks; all part of a plan; all intentional. And it won’t be long before such things happen here.

When your Kiwi lawyer cannot challenge such things as lockdowns and vaccine mandates because he’s forbidden to even say the words, then it becomes a walk in the park. And you were too busy debating whether Liz Gunn was better than Winston, whether Seymour really is a weasel or if Luxon would be different to Hipkins. So you weren’t standing up to be counted when it mattered: the distractions (which are all intentional) were too tempting and sidetracked you.

Once the lawyers are nobbled it becomes easy to nobble others: police, doctors; a long list of others who are ethically obliged to follow the left-wing viewpoint without question or lose their jobs and be pariahs.

Remember a year or so back I suggested you undertake to knock on 100 doors, deliver 100 leaflets, and drive 10 people to polling booths to help change the government? I achieved that for myself (God I hate door-knocking), but you made excuses not to. And then you lost your country.
