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Despite the Bootlicking, the CCP Reacts Badly

Labour watered down Act deputy leader Brooke van Velden‘s resolution about Uighur genocide in a futile exercise of CCP bootlicking.

The much-weakened statement, however, has still managed to enrage the CCP:

China has lashed out after New Zealand’s Parliament declared “severe human rights abuses” are occurring there against the Uighur minority, saying it will “harm the mutual trust” between the countries.

Parliament yesterday unanimously supported a motion to declare it was “gravely concerned about the severe human rights abuses taking place against Uighurs and other ethnic and religious minorities in the Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region”.

MPs called on the Government to work with the United Nations, international partners, and to “work with all relevant instruments of international law to bring these abuses to an end”.

Originally the motion included the term “genocide”, put forth by Act deputy leader Brooke van Velden, but this was removed after pressure from Labour.

The declaration follows independent reports over the past few years that have found about 1 million Uighur Muslims confined to concentration camps, subject to torture and forced sterilisation.

There have also been reports of authorities seeking to eradicate their religion and culture.

Today the Chinese Embassy in Wellington said the declaration had “total disregard” of China’s position and was a “groundless accusation on China over human rights abuses”.

“This move grossly interferes in China’s internal affairs, and runs counter to international law and basic norms governing international relations. The Chinese side deplores and firmly opposes such action.”

The statement mirrored similar comments China has made in response to other countries raising concerns about the treatment of Uighur.

The United States has declared genocide was occurring, under former president Donald Trump and President Joe Biden.

NZ Herald

The old saying goes that it is better to be hung for a sheep than a lamb, and it certainly applies here.

The resolution should have said genocide, as every other resolution has said.

Grant Robertson, along with every other bootlicker, is simply lying about the ‘investigation’ ‘requirements’ under ‘international law’ to declare a genocide. It’s simply not true.

The government watered down the resolution, saying that the New Zealand Parliament should not even be allowed to debate whether a genocide is occurring because it might damage our trade. As unbelievable as it sounds, that is what they did.

It’s one thing to say you don’t think what is happening is genocide. But it is quite another thing to say that the NZ Parliament should not even debate it, due to trade concerns. That just snuffs out any semblance of an idea that New Zealand has an independent foreign policy.

The CCP should have been pleased, but they are not. So all Labour’s grovelling, supplication and bootlicking was for naught.

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