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New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science
Press Release

Tangible evidence of the depths to which intellectually lazy but dangerous ideology has infected every level of government was shoved unwelcome into everyone’s letterboxes last week, building on carbon neutral, safe and effective, “do it for grandma” and other ideologies that appear intent on eroding yet more of the essence of being human.

Since Roman times, the census has always been hated by the people, given its end goal of collecting tax. A spokesperson for New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science (NZDSOS) “is concerned there is far more than tax collection going on”.

Dieuwe de Boer’s article from popular news site The BFD discusses questions three and four of the 2023 Census. The answer to Question 3 “What is your gender” can be one of the following: Female, Male or Other. The 4th question on the NZ Census form asks “What was your sex at birth?” This implies that sex can be changed, a biological impossibility.

This information, along with the question about current gender identity, is of intense interest to social engineers – namely, how many of the vast majority of people born clearly male or female have been infected successfully with the society-wrecking notion that biological absolutes are sacrificeable to dogma and magical thinking? They will be wanting to test how effective their ‘woke demic’ has been.

de Boer suggests answering Question 3 with” other” and then noting your “other gender” as “none”.

“The word ‘Gender’, normally defined in the English language as either of the two divisions, designated female and male, by which most organisms are classified on the basis of their reproductive organs and functions – their sex.

“NZDSOS has become increasingly concerned with the encouragement of gender dysmorphism and its pharmaceutical and surgical ‘cures'”, said the spokesperson.

Nowhere in mainstream media have underlying causes been explored, such as normal childhood behaviour of dressing up, the elephant in the room of widespread hormone disruptors in the environment or the attempted derangement of what it is to be human.

“Shouldn’t we put research money into further proving the influence of these chemicals on the psyche, then get rid of them? Let’s stop the woke social engineering that drives our young into damaging psychodramas with grossly mistaken counsellors and devastated but meekly supportive parents; to yet more petrochemical toxins in the form of artificial hormones; and ultimately the irrevocable chop of the surgeon’s knife”, said the spokesperson.

“Clearly, downfallen Scottish premier Nicola Sturgeon and the cruel ‘woke brigade’ at London’s Tavistock ‘genderforming’ clinic are feeling the public backlash for their ideological folly, and we need to make our cynicism known here too”, said the spokesperson.

We object! Humanity is a biological genus of humans, male and female, regardless of sexual preference, rather than some transhuman, gender-confused hybrid.

Read the full write-up from NZDSOS here.


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