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Dr Sharma – A GP and MP with Integrity

Image credit The BFD.

New Zealand Doctors Speaking Out with Science

We can empathise with our medical colleague Dr Gaurav Sharma. He has had increasing frustration and concerns for the past 18 months and has tried every possible avenue to be heard, to be acknowledged and have his claims investigated. He has been clear, calm and consistent when interviewed.

However, he has been turned into the problem and/or been told there is no problem, nothing to see here so he has been ignored, cancelled, suspended then expelled. Sounds familiar! Don’t worry about the message, just get rid of the messenger.

In fact, nothing has been resolved and now there are vastly more questions than answers.

It’s a bit like all the New Zealanders who are dead post vaccination – the government doesn’t want to acknowledge or investigate them – how inconvenient they are. They should just go away and evaporate into thin air.

The reporters asking inane questions and writing about him would do well to learn about the features of an abusive relationship. It is generally not one event that occurs but multitudes of small underminings over a prolonged period of time.

We have been impressed with the calmness and integrity that radiates from Dr Sharma when he speaks which is completely in contrast to the vacuous lies told by those in government. The intoxication of power is becoming clearer to everyone by the day.

The PM and caucus must realise that the truth will always prevail. It can be squashed down, suppressed and deflected from but it will appear with twice its glory somewhere else.

The country is longing for some other MPs to have the ‘nads and integrity that Dr Sharma has shown to step forward and speak the truth about what is really going on behind closed doors. It is obvious to any observer that there is a festering boil inside the halls of power that needs to be lanced.

See these links for longer interviews with Dr Sharma. Dr Sharma speaks to Political Editor Jenna Lynch Dr Gaurav Sharma chats with Radio Tarana updates-rebel-mp-faces-expulsion.html Dr Sharma speaks post being expelled


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