Today’s face of the day fully is fully vaccinated Whanganui list MP Harete Hipango who took a photo of herself with Voices for Freedom protesters and posted it on Facebook. Her comments with the photo were supportive of freedom of choice.
She deleted the post after National leader Christopher Luxon contacted her about it.
“I have talked to Harete and she has taken her post down,” Luxon said. “The views of the group she was with do not align with those of the National Party.
NZ Herald
What is Voices for Freedom stance on vaccination?
Voices for Freedom is not anti-vaccines. We value medical freedom and are pro-choice. We champion the right to be free from coercion and from discrimination based on vaccination status.
We advocate for New Zealanders’ rights as described within the Health and Disability Commissioner Act and hold the view that consumers’ rights are being violated with respect to the COVID-19 vaccine.
Certain sectors of the NZ public are currently experiencing coercion and discrimination and we are concerned consumers are not being accorded the right to be fully informed, make an informed choice and to give informed consent.
By censoring his MP’s Facebook post Luxon has highlighted what the National Party does not support:
- Medical freedom
- Personal choice
- The right to be free from coercion
- The right to be free from discrimination
- Consumer rights
- The right to be fully informed
- The right to make an informed choice
- To right to give informed consent
Was Luxon misinformed about what Voices for Freedom are all about or did he know exactly what they stand for? Discuss.
Read the article in full here. Comment on it on The BFD.