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Massey University Vice-Chancellor Professor Jan Thomas Photo credit: Massey University. Photoshopped image image credit: Pixy

Today’s face of the day, Massey University Vice-Chancellor Professor Jan Thomas, should be ashamed of herself. HOW DARE SHE claim that her university upholds the values of free speech and freedom of expression!

Below is a press release from the Free Speech Coalition in response to Massey University’s cowardly act.

Responding to Massey University’s decision to cancel the upcoming ‘Feminism 2020’ event, Free Speech Coalition member Melissa Derby (who had been scheduled to speak at the event) says:

“In September, Massey said it would host the Feminism 2020, despite objections, and that it was ‘committed to free speech as a fundamental tenet of a university’. It looked like Massey had learned from the public backlash against its cancellation of last year’s event with Don Brash.”

“Yet, as of today, Massey has shut down the event, seemingly due to pressure from a vocal group of activists. Today’s announcement reveals the University’s true position is one of absolute weakness. Massey says it values free speech while its actions prove the opposite.”

“Not only has the University refused to uphold its stated commitment to free speech; it is being deliberately vague about its reasoning. Massey cites health and safety concerns, but it’s completely unclear whether this refers to threats of protest, or to concern over ‘harmful’ speech. This is the most feeble use of a ‘health and safety’ excuse we’ve seen at a university yet.”

“Whoever thought we’d see the day when feminism is on the banned list at a New Zealand University? Ironically, I was going to speak at this event on the dangers of identity politics and the need for people to talk to one another.”

“If a University’s default response to ‘any risk of potential harm’ is the cancellation of speech, then it ought to shut up shop. Universities have traditionally been a space for free expression, protest, and the contest of ideas. Massey has disgraced this tradition.”

Massey University Vice-Chancellor Professor Jan Thomas Photo credit: Massey University. Photoshopped image image credit: Pixy


Face of the Day

Face of the Day

It’s time for Te Pāti Māori to be judged for their actions, instead of their words. They should come out and tell their supporters they love fossil fuels, lots and lots.

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