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James Shaw Climate change
The next 10 days may see a historic shift in climate policy in Aotearoa.

[…] It comes as data shows there is half as much time as previously thought to mitigate or retreat from sea level rise in some parts of the country.
[…] Minister James Shaw talked up the government’s actions to reduce emissions, and was scathing about the National Party’s plans for tax cuts right when massive investment in climate action was needed.

“I think it’s an absurd proposition – what [Minister of Finance Grant Robertson] refers to as the Bermuda Triangle, the idea that you can increase infrastructure spending, cut taxes, and reduce debt all at the same time.

“It is just not actually physically possible.”

[…] Meanwhile, the ACT Party announced today it would essentially bin the entire climate programme.
Troughers. Cartoon credit SonovaMin. The BFD.

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