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Finally, National Calls Little’s Health Shake up What It Is, Segregation

National has come out swinging against Andrew Little’s proposed command and control power grab of health bureaucracy and the establishment of a race-based Maori Health organisation:

National leader Judith Collins has stepped up her attack on the proposed Maori Health Authority, calling it “segregation” from last century and in need of public consultation.

Her comments have been slammed by Maori Party co-leader Debbie Ngarewa-Packer, calling it “desperate racist politicking”, saying Collins should read her party’s own 2020 election review which recommended making Maori a “priority area”.

NZ Herald

The only thing racist is the Maori Party. A party established on the basis of race, for people of just one race. Calling Judith Collins racist when she is married to a Samoan is just sad and hilarious at the same time.

Collins said today the Government should let New Zealanders have more of a say on whether they wanted a Maori Health Authority, as proposed by Health Minister Andrew Little this month.

The blueprint says the authority would be the lead commissioner of health services targeted at Maori and “act as co-commission for other health services accessed by Maori, working jointly with Health NZ to approve commissioning plans and priorities”.

This went further than the Heather Simpson review of the health and disability system, which recommended such an authority but that it not have a significant function in commissioning health services.

Collins said the Government’s proposal would divide New Zealand into “Maori and everyone else”.

“As far as the National Party is concerned, segregation was an appalling idea last century and it remains an appalling idea in 2021.”

How is opposing segregation racist?

She said if Te Tiriti obligations demanded a separate health system, it could lead to a separate education system or justice system.

“This is an important conversation we need to have before we take even one step towards carving up our communities.

“Labour needs to be honest with all New Zealanders about how they are interpreting the Treaty and how far they intend to take ‘co-governance’.”

Labour and their enablers are introducing legal segregation. In South Africa that was called apartheid, a system that used the law to benefit a minority at the expense of others.

Judith Collins, calling it for what it is, is not racist, and such claims are just lazy politics from the racist party.

What does the Government hope to achieve by separating our healthcare along racial lines and then placing the power of veto in the hands of one race-based institution?”

There needed to be a formal consultation process, she said.

The ongoing Maorification of New Zealand, via a complicit media and a woke Labour party is tearing this country apart.

Separatism will end up with the ‘Palestinianisation’ of Maori. Is that what they want?

Perhaps the worst article covering this is an absolutely disgusting article by Newsroom’s Jo Moir. Her tweet is even worse:

That’s got to be one of the most disingenuous things ever written. Does Jo Moir really believe that Judith Collins believes her supporters have no desire to see Maori lifted out of every single negative statistic? What an absolutely disgraceful thing to say.

Little wonder Newsroom is not well trusted as a media source and is dropping year on year:

Media trust ratings
