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IPCC 6TH Assessment Report Great News for New Zealand

brown cow standing behind a fence
Photo by Eric Schroen. The BFD

Robin Grieve
Chairman of Pastural Farming Climate Research

“The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change IPCC, 6th assessment report finds there has been no increase in extreme precipitation and drought in New Zealand due to global warming”, Robin Grieve Chairman of Pastural Farming Climate Research, said today.

“This is great news for New Zealanders and should put an end to baseless scaremongering by our Government with false claims about the impact global warming is having on drought and extreme precipitation in New Zealand.

“The IPCC report is consistent with our Government’s own official climate records, published in the Ministry for the Environment report, Environment Aotearoa. These official climate records show extreme wind and rainfall events are static or declining in New Zealand as the planet warms and little change in drought.

“Government statements such as those made by James Shaw as Climate Change Minister and Secretary for the Environment Vicky Robertson, that extreme weather events such as drought and extreme precipitation events are already increasing in New Zealand because of global warming, are at odds with the latest IPCC report and New Zealand official climate record.

“We are told to listen to the science and that the science is settled so the IPCC can’t be wrong on this and it should be listened to. Our Government needs to admit to the people of New Zealand that they have misled us and that droughts and extreme precipitation and wind events are not increasing in frequency or intensity due to global warming.

“People are suffering unnecessary stress and trauma due to Government propaganda which is at odds with official climate records and the IPCC 6th Assessment report.

Reference IPCC 6th Assessment report chapter 11, pages 17,18, 180,185,

Click to access IPCC_AR6_WGI_Chapter_11.pdf

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