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Our people once were warriors, oh well. The BFD photoshop courtesy of Boondecker.

NZ First

“Kelvin Davis’ comment that any challenging of the Northland iwi roadblocks is just ‘racist’ is as shallow as it is wrong,” says Winston Peters Leader of New Zealand First.

“When you set up something that is racist, criticism against it doesn’t make it racist as well.”

“There can be no comparison made with farmers and businesses assisting Police as Kelvin has tried to do, because firstly, those industries include Maori anyway. But most importantly, they do not stem from the direction of a single ethnic group.”

“When the government has needed to pass legislation in order to make these illegal, vigilante, iwi-run roadblocks now legal, we are on a seriously slippery slope and a serious deviation from the foundation of our democracy of one law for all.”

“It is most concerning that these iwi roadblocks are unnecessarily taking up valuable frontline Police resources and extra officers.”

“It is astonishing that the government has allowed this to occur with the serious gang violence we are seeing exploding around the country, particularly in Auckland, taking hundreds of much needed officers off the frontline,” says Mr Peters.

“The government should be more worried about that.”

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NASA Did Not Invent Velcro

NASA Did Not Invent Velcro

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