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A deeply cynical, secretive, dishonest and treacherous bunch of fellow travellers are this mob in power, epitomised by Jacinda Ardern. She leads the most deceitful New Zealand government in the last fifty years. It’s a travelling caravan of the craven with nobody prepared to talk outside the tent and explain to the public what’s really going on. They move in permanent twilight, where democracy withers.

Rob Muldoon sold his party on the promise of better financial management and thinking big. He knew this would be unpopular in some quarters but hoped, by taking the public with him, the rewards would become self-evident. He was transparent.

David Lange knew Roger Douglas’s financial revolution would be deeply unpopular in some quarters but hoped, by taking the public with him, the rewards would become self-evident. He was transparent.

Jim Bolger knew Ruth Richardson’s austerity and de-regulation measures would be deeply unpopular in some quarters but hoped, by taking the public with him, the rewards would become self-evident. He was transparent.

Helen Clark sold her party on an end to austerity and a bigger safety net. She knew these steps would be deeply unpopular in some quarters but hoped, by taking the public with her, the rewards would become self-evident. She was transparent.

John Key aimed at pulling out the stops to prosperity and increased GDP after the global financial market crash. He knew some moves would be deeply unpopular in some quarters but hoped, by taking the public with him, the rewards would become self-evident. He was transparent.

Jacinda Ardern’s big project is the establishment of an ethno-state within a state. She knows this move will be deeply unpopular in some quarters but hopes that by hiding, obfuscating, pretending away, lying, denying her anti-democratic revolution is taking place, she can get away without the public noticing too much. She is anything but transparent.

Her commitment to the He Puapua plan can be seen in the several actions she has endorsed which miraculously mirror the document’s designs. Some of the more obscure details are deeply embedded in her activist cohort thinking. Consider the ‘sovereignty of data’ for Maori agencies (a euphemism for ‘no non-Maori oversight’ of funding or outcomes) from He Puapua with this nonsense from discussion of the already-announced Maori Health Agency on National Radio:

“There’s some principles of how we do this that allows for Maori autonomy and Maori sovereignty in doing this, and so, we’re going to create some more permissions as we do them, we’re going to talk about Maori data-sovereignty; Maori, about us, our data, we’ve got to have Maori governance over our data, that’s a really important principle.”
Curious coincidence indeed, or proof of deep-seated collusion to implement He Puapua objectives, strategically and stealthily, word for word.

It gets worse; to neuter resistance, we have seen the race-bashing card played again and again by the press. This is also part of Ardern’s plan: to make those opposed to her revolution afraid to speak.

For now all that is required is to accuse those anti-He-Puapua of racism, but that will wear off as the plan proceeds and the general public become more alarmed, so action to punish antagonists has, and will, be taken to silence them, ostracise them, and punish those who stand in the way of her He Puapua programme. This is why she is pushing the ‘Hate speech’ legislation and ‘Social cohesion’ initiatives to brainwash the masses and our children. Both were released less than a fortnight ago and now the Censor or ‘Classifications Office’ is determining, on extremely spurious grounds, that ‘something needs to be done’ about  mis-information and dis-information:

“The Government has announced that it is considering a broad review of media regulation, in the face of new types of harm that have emerged online, requiring new thinking and approaches. There could be scope to look at what a better coordinated, modern approach to misinformation may look like as part of that broad review.”

Make no mistake; Ardern has, probably very correctly, convinced herself and her cohort that conservatives will fight most, and hardest, against He Puapua. The three measures suggested, “sent for discussion and public submissions” in the last fortnight, are all aimed at silencing conservative voices in opposition to her radical plan.

The Social Cohesion initiatives are to meld thought and wilt opposition. The hate-speech initiatives are to silence criticism under pain of law and opprobrium. The Censor’s Office role will be to deem some communications, and indeed entire outlets of conservative-leaning sites or news sources, as ‘objectionable’ or ‘extremist’ and have them taken down.

The work to paint conservatives as more responsible for extremism, a falsehood on evidential analysis, was advanced at the so-called peace ‘Hui’ in a paper presented to colour the impressionable, gullible and compliant press present in Christchurch.

Ardern is manoeuvring these columns, literally, and as we speak. Folks: we’re going to have to fight hard against her every single move lest we lose all freedoms to oppose He Puapua at all, and the lights go out at the last conservative bastion.

This is a revolution and Ardern is leading it. The Great White Saviour is leading her lemmings off constitutional democracy’s cliff into the abyss of ethno-statehood. Do not stand by and watch it happen. There is a war on, and we are the enemy.

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