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This wasn’t an election in the U.S. it was a COUP against Trump, just like Russiagate and the Impeachment, both which failed.

Trump has just said America’s election system is under SIEGE.

Using the pandemic as a pretext, Democratic officials and judges changed election proceedings in violation of the Constitution.

In a number of states mail-in ballots were sent to every single person and that included dead, non-citizens and those who had moved state. It was a ‘colossal’ expansion of mail-in voting.

In three mid-western states with razor-thin majorities for Trump, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin anomalies were noticed.

CNN (bless ‘em) kicked it off election night by saying Trump was leading in all three states. OOPS!  But in the early morning hours after voting machines were shut down there was a sudden spike for Biden.

Whilst Michigan and Wisconsin had vote dumps, 100% for Biden to help them along Pennsylvania relied on mail-in votes where a postmark was not needed and counting could go on for several days after Election Day November 3rd.

In Michigan, there were more registered voters than voting-age citizens in 37 counties. Plus in the RED  Antrim county, 6,000 votes were wrongly placed for  Biden. When this was corrected the county was flipped for Trump.

FOX produced whistleblower Jessie Mulligan of U.S.Postal Services who said he took a trailer of pre-filled election ballots from New York to Lancaster in Pennsylvania. 130,000 to 288,000 ballots on board. This is a Federal crime for ballots to be transported over a border. Mulligan said he hadn’t even bothered to vote.

Another Postal Services whistleblower on FOX, Ethan Pease of Madison, Wisconsin, was told the postal service was planning to backdate tens of thousands of mail-in ballots. He said he didn’t vote for either of the main parties and said he was Libertarian.

Zuckerberg gave millions to Charities in metropolitan Philadelphia to ensure a Democratic vote, paying staff, buying machines, and installing drop-boxes. Amazingly Biden got more votes than Obama did in 2008 from a mainly black population.

Back in the IT jungle, a whistleblower from APPEN company says he actually does the censoring for  FARCEBOOK (FaceBook) and Twitter. ADVANCE political party here in N.Z. Had their rally in Auckland censored shortly before OUR election. Project Veritas is being censored for reporting ballot irregularities in Pennsylvania.

Basement Biden hardly bothered to campaign. He probably thought he had it “IN THE BAG”. Acted like he knew the outcome.

Here is a CHRISTMAS song to get us into the Season:

O,! You better watch out,
You better not pout,
I’m telling you why,
KRAKEN is coming to town.

She’s making a list,
And checking it twice,
Gonna find out who’s naughty and nice,
KRAKEN is coming to town.

She knows if you’ve been bad or good,
So be good for goodness sake,
KRAKEN is coming,
KRAKEN is coming,
KRAKEN is coming to town.

Election Fraud: The Above Video Shows the Exact Number of Votes in Pennsylvania Moving From President Trump to Biden.

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