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letter to the editor letters

Dear Editor

When I was a child terrorism was such a distant thing. 9/11 was when I was at primary school. Such a distant event in a distant place. Even when I was in the military and deployments were wrapped up, NZ seemed free of radicalism.

Now under the current government’s watch, we have had two major terrorist incidents. The greatest number of attacks in NZ history, both with Jacinda at the helm. The government pulled out all the extreme measures. Freedoms became secondary and citizens were considered guilty till proven innocent. Yet this did not stop an attack despite the Orwellian surveillance of the second terrorist. It is as if extremism breeds extremism.

Was I the only one shocked by the racism of the way the Labour government treats terrorists? The Pakeha was arrested and given a trial. The minority refugee was shot and killed. Was Jacinda not in a burka not two years ago claiming that the threat of racism was the new face of terror? What happened to “Be Kind”?

No trial. No arrest. Execution on sight. From the practical on the ground point of view, I understand that the team on the ground did what they could with what they had. It is a near-impossible situation. At this point, they are justified in their response. I’m not second-guessing the team on the ground. It would be interesting to know if the officers identified themselves and told him to stop what he was doing. What I am wondering though is will this be the future punishment for all terrorists?

What then is the true definition of a terrorist in NZ? Is being critical of the state a reason to be “on the list”? We only have to look back to the Urewera raids to see who was rounded up back then as a terrorist. One flimsy reason was a phone recording of a drunk man planning the assassination of George W Bush by catapulting a bus at his plane when he visited NZ. That was reason enough for black-clad men to storm his house in the night. That was twenty-odd years ago.

Think of what could be a reason now. Is opposing lockdowns and vaccination evidence of extremism? Will this mean that you will be considered an enemy and end up “on the list”?

Is reading this letter triggering a web so that the spider adds you to her list?

This may all be black bag bait but as Jacinda day by day desperately rings Auntie Helen for advice will you end up looking over your shoulder at the supermarket?


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