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Photo by Brett Jordan

Bob Jones

I’ve referred before on this Blog to my mail-bag and the constant inflow of unsolicited mail from strangers soliciting money, offering me “investment opportunities” and so on.

It may be hard to believe but back in the 1980s I received at least 50 such missives daily, and frequently more. Fortunately, now with a non-existent public profile it’s down to about half a dozen.

Below is a recent one from a Marco Zeeman and my response. It’s world-class nonsensical verbiage.

Zeeman is a Dutch name and given that nation’s pervading practicality, one can only ponder on when Marco was doubtless a nice little 4 year old, like all kids at that age, had his parents been able to have seen how he’d turn out decades later, Marco might have become the victim of an “accidental” drowning.

Of course, in the unlikely event any readers of this Blog have an interest in singing whales with an urge to journey into the hinterland, they might care to support Marco.

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