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Kiwibuildless. Cartoon credit SonovaMin

ACT Party
ACT Housing spokesperson Brooke van Velden.

“This Government’s practice of blather and flannel when asked specific questions about its performance is running its usual evasive course in respect of how many new houses it will build this year,” says ACT Housing spokesperson Brooke van Velden.

“When I asked Housing Minister Megan Woods in Parliament on February 18 “how many new houses will be built this year due to policies implemented by this Government,” she was unable to answer me.

Kiwibuildless and Kiwibuild Reset  Cartoon credit SonovaMin

“She said ‘I don’t have those figures directly on me, across all typologies … But if the member wants to put that question in writing, I’m more than happy to give her a very precise number.’

“So I did, and the Minister’s answer was due to be provided to me seven days ago.

“Parliament is where constructive opposition like the ACT Party gets to scrutinise Ministers on their performance.

“There are rules to help us do that, but this Government, bereft of workable policies to address issues like housing supply, ignores those rules, hoping everyone will forget about the original question.

“Clearly the Minister has the information – she said so in Parliament.

“Is she waiting for her counterpart, Finance Minister Grant Robertson, to finally announce his long awaited supply side housing solutions and hope that clouds the issue?

“Minister Woods, again, how many new houses will be built this year due to policies implemented by this Government?”

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