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Morrison Aims to Actually Fix the Environment Instead of Screeching About Climate Change

What have you lot ever really done for the environment?

The manufactured delirium of the “school’s climate strike” is not just nonsense, it’s wicked nonsense. Nonsense, because not a jot of its hysteria is founded in scientific fact; wicked, not just because it is being exploited by dangerous political ideologies, but because it is diverting desperately needed money and effort away from real environmental problems.

Once again showing the no-nonsense, practical political sense that won the last election, to the shock of the elites, Scott Morrison is ignoring the screeching hysteria of scowling Swedish children, and concentrating on genuinely pressing environmental problems.

Scott Morrison said Australia had “nothing to apologise for over climate change” as he told the United Nations General Assembly that his government would lead urgent action to combat plastic pollution choking the oceans.

In his first address to the UN general assembly in New York early on Thursday (AEST) the Prime Minister said Australia would particularly help Pacific island nations fight plastics pollution and illegal fishing which was damaging their environment and economies.

“To protect our oceans, Australia is committed to leading urgent action to combat plastic pollution choking our oceans; tackle over-exploitation of our fisheries, prevent ocean habitat destruction and take action on climate change,” Mr Morrison said.

On his visit to the United States and to the UN Mr Morrison has concentrated heavily on plastics pollution and waste recycling to protect the environment and said environmental challenges are “not just climate change”.

Naturally, the apparatchiks at the UN are sticking to their tired, alarmist script.

His comments coincided with the release of a special report on the ocean and cryosphere for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change that said major ­uncertainties remained on how much melting ice, particularly in Antarctica, would lift sea levels over coming centuries.

“Major uncertainties” is putting it mildly. The actual fact is that they have no idea. All these scary “predictions” are based solely on climate models. Models, as climatologist Nakamura Mototaka says, are “useless junk” when it comes to making climate predictions.

But, unlike “climate change”, tackling plastic pollution isn’t nearly so useful for forcing a socialist agenda, and robbing trillions of dollars from the West to shovel into the greedy maws of mendicant “developing” nations. Worse, tackling pollution might force developing nations who are actually responsible for 95% of ocean plastic waste to actually pull their environmental weight for once.

Before addressing the UN Mr Morrison said: “Australia has a strong track record on delivery […] so Australia has nothing, nothing at all to apologise for and everything to commend the action we are taking”.

While the UN and its sleazy cabal of globalists and watermelon NGOs keep pushing their “climate change” barrow, hard-nosed businessmen are doing the heavy lifting of actually tackling pollution.

Stepping up his push to tackle ocean pollution, Mr Morrison sought to put greater responsibility on industry to address the problem. When it came to plastics and recycling “it needs to be commercially sustainable as a model”, he said. “We don’t want to see, you know, taxes and large levels of state intervention, and massive summits, and these sorts of things. What we want to see is industry leadership…

Mr Morrison said the ­Australian-owned Pratt Industries paper plant that the US President opened in Ohio on the weekend was an example of successful, commercially led cardboard recycling. “We want to see that same sort of model be successful in the plastics recycling industry, and Australia has an enormous amount to offer here,” he said. “It’s not only going to make our environment cleaner and the world’s oceans cleaner, but I think it’s going to be a real jobs opportunity for Australia.

Iron ore magnate Andrew Forrest’s Minderoo Foundation on Wednesday committed $US300m ($442m) to a new ­industry-­focused effort to reduce worldwide plastic waste. Mr Forrest’s Sea for the Future program aims to raise $US20bn a year through a voluntary levy on plastics resin based on its carbon footprint.

Capitalism saves the planet again.


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