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Please Share the BFD with Others

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When our readers tell others about The BFD they are keen to try us out. During the lockdowns and during the protest outside parliament, thousands of new readers flocked to The BFD.

There are thousands more Kiwis who would love The BFD who still do not even know that it exists.

When people join The BFD community one of the first things they discover is that there are a lot more people in the world who share their values and that they aren’t as alone in holding those values as the MSM makes them think they are.

All of The BFD’s growth is driven by word of mouth. BFDers tell their friends, family, neighbours, and random people they meet out in the world about The BFD. That’s how we grow.

We are not funded by wealthy people with deep pockets nor do we receive funding from the government, yet we continue to grow because of our members who continue to support us out of their own pockets month in and month out.

There is no ad campaign that can compare to the effectiveness of a close friend or family member recommending The BFD to you.

If every person who reads The BFD today told three people about The BFD this week our community would grow by 150,000+ people overnight. They would find a place online that is a community as much as it is a Media site and would get to read and share views not constrained by the government and MSM narrative.

If they had been on The BFD over the past two years they would have known much more about Covid-19, masks and the side effects of the vaccine. They would have had access to information that was suppressed by the rest of the media.

They would know much more about what really happened at Freedom Village and about the various protests against mandates and the vaccination of children.

The bubble version of reality that has been carefully crafted for them by the lying mainstream media would be popped. They would be fully awake, and then they would awaken their friends and family too.

Those of us who are supporters of The BFD can share it with others. The BFD is a refreshing place to be in an increasingly censored world.

So please tell a friend about The BFD today.

You might just open their eyes and change their life.

Juana Atkins



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