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Craig Lord
Mayoral candidate

Mayoral candidate Craig Lord wants to bring a new form of democracy directly to the residents of Auckland – utilising technology.

With so many upcoming vital decisions directly affecting the citizens of Auckland, Mr Lord says it is time to bring democracy kicking and screaming into the 21st Century.

“Currently, the Auckland Council system works with a feedback loop known as “Have Your Say” but this is a flawed process, says Mr Lord.

“It’s rigged to suit a predetermined outcome, which in itself is extremely undemocratic, and therefore it’s not suitable for our future requirements. We need a much more representative system, and we can do that with technology.”

Mr Lord wants to investigate an online voting system utilising websites and a mobile app, and believes it is the next step for instant democracy, returning the power back to the people.

“This shouldn’t be too hard to achieve, and nor should it be expensive to instigate. We create a simple voting system, make it tamperproof, and the result is immediate. For those without the ability to navigate mobile devices efficiently, we can create an option to log in via a web browser to vote. We could also expand the system by offering assistance at libraries, retirement villages, and other designated facilities.”

“The idea would be to have a digital system notifying registered and eligible users that a vital decision or major spend is on the table. They can then log in, read up and cast their vote. Yes or No. The decision-makers would have no choice but to listen as the results would be instant and transparent.”

“Granted, there are a handful of existing Councillors, Local Board members and non-elected bureaucrats who would be terrified at the idea of the public having this power at their disposal, but it’s overdue.”
