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Shaming and Framing the ‘Right’ as ‘Extremists’

persons eye in close up photography
Photo by Eva Wilcock. The BFD.

There’s a war on conservatives, the right, call it what you will. This ‘inclusive’ government of rat-bags and no-hopers is waging it presently with propaganda, the way all wars begin. Too stupid, or gutless, or devious to announce their sordid aims they are subtly moving the pieces into place, guided by an army of revolutionary academics and outright hard-left malcontents, with the intent of out-manoeuvring any meaningful fight-back.

Don’t be sucked in by communist Ardern, the quintessential lipstick-on-a-pig pop-up leader, spouting ‘kindness’ but ready, willing, and able to release the full force of state at the slightest notice. The masses are being assembled as we speak: specialist devoted columns of Police, Ministry of Justice officials, and ‘Human Rights’ [cough] pseudo-Stasi vermin. This is not satire, this is happening now!

The framing, the alienating, the ‘othering’ of conservatives, the most likely opponents of race-based legislative and constitutional changes, continues apace, the easiest smears of all being applied to them with the broad-brush claims of ‘extremism’ and ‘racist’ by pimped-out press goons. The brain-washing and subservience of the MSM in their new-found serfdom, mere vassals now under her Ladyship Ardern, is doing the work it was intended to do.

The latest in anti-conservative propaganda was a piece of ‘research’ detritus dredged out during the farcical ‘hui’ in Christchurch earlier this month. What a puerile piece of statistical ‘analysis’ it truly is, it’s so bad it pongs.

The authors, if you could call them that, claim ‘most extremists’, in fact the overwhelming number (and therefore the ‘greatest threat’), online in New Zealand are ‘right wing’. This despite Dr John Battersby, a Teaching Fellow at the Centre for Defence and Security Studies at Massey University, Wellington, writing in the National Security Journal following the mosque attack, reminding us

“While the scale of the Christchurch attack was unprecedented, lone actors driven by extremist ideologies to engage in violence to send a political message to New Zealanders, is nothing new.”

And further:

“Contrary to the emerging media myth that New Zealand has gone easy on its Right-Wing activism, it has been generally true that historically there has been more Left-Wing political violence in New Zealand.”

Never mind the facts, give us the innuendo of our ‘extremist’ report, with our brain-dead press duly in lockstep:

From the article:

“Of the 315 extremist accounts identified throughout most of 2020, 170 of these were far-right, 134 were conspiracy theorists with “significant overlap” with the far-right, 25 were far-left, and seven were Islamist extremists…The accounts had a total audience of more than 750,000 subscribers, or about 2700 per account, and were responsible for making more than 600,000 posts. These posts were engaged with more than 5 million times, and created discussion or debate 1.6 million times. The researchers classified more than 7500 posts, or 1.24 per cent, as “aggressive or a call to action”

Beware the disingenuous bearing statistics, especially political statistics, because what is often presented as a fog of numbers, an arrangement of cumulus whose meaning can only be interpreted by anointed cloud-readers, is actually just the steam rising off a great pile of stinking bullshit. As in this case when we learn (not through our media, of course) that actually:

“Most of the messages – almost 80% – did not fall into any of these six key [extremist] themes, however. What this tells us is that extremists don’t always talk about extreme topics, or things typically or classically associated with extremism. Extremists use the Internet to propagandise and agitate for violence and radical change, but they also use it for more mundane discussions, ranging from sport to culture.”

Or in other words: they’re simply not ‘extremists’ at all.

The report also notes of these wicked right-wingers, “The outlook of New Zealand extremists is highly international. A full sixth of all posts from New Zealand extremists explicitly mention something, someone or somewhere outside of the county” [sic], let’s presume they mean country and decipher that piffle: ‘they have an interest in current affairs’, or ‘they read the news’.

So how dangerous are these “right-wing extremists”, these part-timers commenting on sports, culture and news? Very dangerous. Very, very dangerous:

“New Zealand extremists mention places outside of New Zealand three times more frequently than places within the country itself. This international focus was broad: a place, thing or organisation from 224 different countries was mentioned at least once”.

See: we invent countries; there are only 195 on the entire planet and our ‘extremists’ mentioned 224 of them. That’s bloody dangerous, just inventing stuff like that, anything could happen. Or, do you think when Mr or Ms Extremist mentioned ‘Ardernistan’ or ‘The Socialist Republic of Cindyllia’ the papers’ authors were just too stupid to realise the joke? Seems plausible to me.

What’s no joke is this excremental report and the headlines that are out there. The propaganda is grinding onwards and upwards in escalating hyperbole; the average Jack and Sally, Wiremu and Pania, are being falsely painted as ‘extremist’, the Hate Speech trap is being set for them, and Ardern’s storm-troopers in the malevolent bureaucracies are keen, very keen, to set it for a ‘right-wing’ neck to snap.

These are dangerous times, my fellows. If you still don’t believe me, and you have the stomach for it, just look at this screenshot posted yesterday from The BFD commenter ‘LaidbackSally’ of the chilling inter-agency collusion to ‘crack down’ on our humble, and strictly part-time ‘right-wing extremists’:

Welcome to Gulag-a-tearoa [that’s not a real country, don’t shoot me!] Brought to you by the kindest woman in the world. [That should get me off the hook, y’think?]

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