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Judith Collins delivered the Sledge of the Day after the news that Grant Robertson was going to now be the minister responsible for the delivery or implementation of their slogans.

The headline too can be read a different way and is verging on Stuff Up of the Week material. It reads to me like Ardern is fending off Opposition attacks by saying that her Govt couldn’t even deliver Uber eats.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern is defending Cabinet’s call to create a new unit within Government to oversee and ensure the success of new major spending decisions.

The Opposition has already been critical of such a unit, saying the job of managing spending directed by Cabinet already sits with Government ministries and agencies.

National leader Judith Collins called it a “vote of no confidence” in a Government which “couldn’t even deliver Uber eats”.

NZ Herald
bike arriving now GIF by Uber Eats
bike arriving now GIF by Uber Eats

Their track record is one of non-delivery. Kiwibuild and the light rail project are the two biggest, with delivery on child poverty mired in the NCEA Not Achieved column as well.

This is just yet another committee designed to appear as if the Government is actually doing something other than delivering empty slogans.

When the implementation group fails to implement anything other than the installation of new desks, a fridge and a comfy couch for the new staff members, I wonder what the Prime Minister and Grant Robertson will say then?

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