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The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Boondecker

Bob Jones

Having survived on the taxpayer teat, thanks to the government’s disrespectful media bribing, now desperate Stuff, knowing the end is nigh, still sometimes scrapes the bottom of the barrel to malign the opposition.

They have the two worst purported cartoonists, certainly in New Zealand history, if not human history, who daily belittle Luxon and Seymour in amateurish unfunny ways.

But they hit the absolute pits recently lending on their website with the headings, “National MP Sam Uffindell blasted for sexism over supermarket habits.”

Penned by an Annemarie Quill it transpired Uffindell’s “sin” was to say that he occasionally does the supermarket shopping to give his wife a break.

If Quill pops into a supermarket she will see most shoppers are women. My partner loves cooking and for that reason does the supermarket shopping. She’s not a halfwit (she has two law degrees among other credentials).

The sad thing about this sort of crap is Stuff does have some excellent journalists who unwittingly become tarred with the same brush.

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