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Suppressing Dissent: The Ardern Way

Hate filled law. Cartoon credit SonovaMin The BFD.

Dangerous, dishonest and creeping in darkness are the modi operandi used by Ardern’s controllers who believe that the syndrome of deep affection for Her Royal Hubris afflicting so many of our nation, blinds us all to their machinations.

Determined to inflict ethno-statehood upon this country, the gutless, nameless cabal of academics and radicals pushing the anti-democratic agenda, require the suppression of dissent. They plan to achieve exactly that in the way all gutless, nameless, socialist Star Chambers suppress dissent: by means of propaganda or brainwashing, by coercion and by legal force.

This piece addresses the legal force aspect.

Hate-speech legislation is but one picket in the legal force plan to fence in ethnostate detractors and to intimidate critics of so-called ‘protected groups’. The debate about this obnoxious proposed legislation is actually in the interests of Ardern’s ensemble of constitutional pickpockets because it has both rattled the horses and alarmed the geese of left and right sufficiently to serve as a useful diversion, while construction of unconstitutional facade number two takes place.

Currently, your rights include:

“Freedom of thought, conscience, religion, and belief, including the right to adopt and to hold opinions without interference.” And “the right to freedom of expression, including the freedom to seek, receive, and impart information and opinions of any kind in any form.”

These rights, as guaranteed by the Bill of Rights Act 1990, are to be closed up, boarded up (in your own interests, of course, to protect you from yourself), as limiting choice is the supremely socialist utopian ideal, the very anathema of individualism and democracy.

This silencing will be carried out, as in wartime, by our Censor or Classifications Office. This is not conjecture, it is happening now, the wheels having been set in motion long ago, perhaps within the first twelve months of Ardern’s being gifted office.

Publicly announced as part of the government’s response to the mosque shooting inquiry’s report, that sad incident is but a pretext to the Classification Office’s assault on ‘misinformation’, or ‘Infodemic’ as they’re calling it, and it’s a blatant lie, worse than any ‘misinformation’ you may have been subjected to.

Bursting forth breathlessly with ridiculous claims of Kiwi gullibility, stupidity, naivety: it’s dire, it’s a travesty, said the Censor; something must be done, action must be taken, and we’re going to take it, we’re going to protect the nation and voila! We’re going to take it.

A bigger pile of piffle you have never encountered; “THE EDGE OF THE INFODEMIC Challenging Misinformation in Aotearoa” produced by the Classifications Office and released with much fanfare is truly garbage, but like all garbage, it’s dangerous.

Based on a survey undertaken by Colmar Brunton our Censor proposes that we both need and want action taken on misinformation. Indeed action as in taking of, wanting more of, and claiming a mandate for, rates a mention thirty-seven times in the report.

Just what such ‘action’ is or may be required, the Censor never gets around to mentioning. That’s sneaky, and that’s Ardern-esque, but think: Actions around determining what you can or cannot be exposed to, or repeat, as decided by the odious body of socialist radicals in charge.

The Censor’s obfuscation of action is one red flag of malevolence. There are others, most significantly the outright lies promulgated in the report, the biggest lie of which is:

“The great majority of New Zealanders (84%) expressed support for specific groups or organisations to take action.”

This statement is completely untrue, it is misinformation, and in fact, any question of whether or not the Censor or any other government department or agency should ‘take action’ does not appear in the survey questionnaire.

The statement in the Classifications Office document is misleading, it is invented, it is the very misinformation they claim assaults us daily and that they need to take action over. It is a lie.

Earlier this year a parliamentary select committee considering increasing government-imposed internet filters, dropped the proposal due to unanimous opposition from all parties to such proposals. They viewed them as unnecessary and draconian.

The hate-speech laws seem to be headed for ignominious defeat as we Kiwis want the freedoms promised to us under the Bill of Rights, including the right to believe the moon is made of green cheese if that be our whim.

The Classifications Office’s sleight-of-hand is our governing, democracy-hating, cartel’s way of subverting our freedom to seek, receive, and impart information.

The BFD. Photoshopped image credit Luke

Be aware of Ardern’s malignancy. She is not kind. This subterfuge, this carefully planned underhand, under-arm suppression of dissent (in all forms) towards her utopian ethnostate dream by using the Classifications Office to do her bidding, to cancel, to declare particular views, authors, thoughts or entire websites ‘objectionable’ due to ‘extremism’ or ‘disinformation peddling’ is right out of 1984, and right up her alley.

You will hear in the coming months, of the Classifications Office proposing an extension of their powers due to a maelstrom of ‘misinformation’ (read: anything Ardern’s caravan of communists doesn’t want you to see, hear or read, especially of their proposed half-caste, half-baked, ethno-state).

Be opposed, be very opposed.

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