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Face of the Day

Face of the Day

Face of the Day

For the season title Charles Schwab Cup, Alker earns US$1m ($1.68m) along with US$300,000 ($502,752) for his share of second in the tournament – for a total of $2.18m for the day.

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Face of the Day

Face of the Day

“How do you continue, you know? You do all this stuff and you just get knocked down again and again and again. I just can’t believe it” – Dave Letele

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Face of the Day

Face of the Day

In 1998, Bar-Mordecai lost his claim to Hillston’s estate, with the judge making note of his “highly unusual” medical records in which he’d listed Hillston’s wealth at A$2 million (NZ$2.2 million), stated he was her de facto and that she was a virgin until the age of 72.

Members Public
Face of the Day

Face of the Day

The party was reduced to a record low of 121 seats in the House of Commons at the general election, with under 24 per cent of the vote.

Members Public
Face of the Day

Face of the Day

Biden’s comments drew swift backlash online, with Republicans immediately connecting them to Hillary Clinton’s 2016 remark that half of Trump’s supporters were “deplorables”. 

Members Public
Face of the Day

Face of the Day

If passed, MP Simon Court’s member’s bill would abolish all alcohol licensing trust monopolies. He says the current system is a mess, with confusing inconsistencies, monopolies and inflated prices.

Members Public