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A masked protester from Saturday’s Auckland Domain lockdown protest.

The Freedoms & Rights Coalition Team

In Auckland yesterday thousands took to the streets yelling “Jacinda Out!” and “Power to the People!” This march followed a peaceful picnic protest at the Auckland Domain where crowds swelled to around 15,000 people.

The scenes that played out yesterday remind you of that good ole Doobie brothers song “Takin’ it to the streets”. Well today, frustrated Aucklanders sent a clear message to this government and the nation as they took to the streets creating chaos around central Auckland…..a message that they have well and truly had enough!

Crowds also gathered across all of New Zealand in major cities and towns….numbers are still flowing in from the local event organisers but the nationwide count of attendees already surpass 50,000 people.

The Freedoms & Rights Coalition organiser says “We are so grateful for every bold and courageous person today that stepped out in public and showed their support…we’re only a few weeks old as an organisation and it’s quite humbling to see the public throw their support behind these freedom days and we appreciate the hundreds of messages of gratitude, love and encouragement the public are sending our way. Its obvious people have been desperately waiting and longing for leadership, a bold voice, a movement, a nation within a nation that allows them an opportunity to express their frustrations, and look ahead with hope to the change we can make in this country – we strongly believe the power is with ‘we the people.’

“Our beautiful community of followers are like new-found friends…and as a coalition of people, we are incredibly diverse. While we may disagree on a lot of things….we are united in our desire to effect change in this nation and to see this government go. Rubbing shoulders with each other are teachers, healthcare workers, business owners, millionaires, church pastors, influencers, sportsmen, grandparents, mums and dads, kids, youth, farmers and growers, everyday Kiwis…..these are level headed people. There is such a wide and diverse representation from across all of Auckland of people who want change…NOW!”

The Freedoms & Rights Coalition organiser goes on to say, “For such a new coalition, we’ve definitely burst onto the scene and had a tumultuous initial few weeks. From insider channels we know there has been a concerted effort from high up in the government, the police and the media, to try and shut us down before we’ve barely started, to slander us, to silence us, and to try and arrest us. Across the country, we’ve had many of our volunteers unfairly targeted and reluctantly charged by apologetic local police who have received orders from above.”

Of those charged, one defendant said, “the policewoman who served me with my charges was almost in tears, and apologising that she shouldn’t be doing this.” But regardless of all this pressure, The Freedoms & Rights Coalition are not deterred, and they remain determined. The organiser goes on to say, “to see the crowds of Kiwis come out….it’s actually quite overwhelming. If anything, the efforts of those to shut us down is actually helping us advance our message and cause more than they’ll ever know. So, thank you to all of our haters – you are our elevators.

Kiwis don’t like seeing other Kiwis ill-treated.” This has never been more true than this past few weeks where many Kiwis have felt embarrassed at the thought of New Zealand now segregating society into two classes…vaccinated and unvaccinated.

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Whichever way you lean with vaccinations is now irrelevant….the very idea that we have a modern form of apartheid in our country makes most common sense Kiwis uncomfortable.

The guest speakers today shared their frustrations as teachers, as business owners, as families. Steve Oliver (the owner of Oliver MMA gyms, trainer for UFC fighter Mark Hunt, and son of the Olympian Don Oliver) passionately spoke and said “We will always be one more jab away from Freedom…with two, three, four jabs needed over time…it will become the enslavement of humanity…”

Unfortunately, the founder of The Freedoms & Rights Coalition, Brian Tamaki, was unable to be present at yesterday’s event due to unfounded threats from the police that they would arrest him if he turned up today. However, at the last minute, his wife, Hannah Tamaki was invited to the stage when she was spotted at the picnic without Brian, and she quite possibly stole the show as she spoke as one who genuinely should be called The Mother of the Nation.

“My husband was heartbroken he could not be here today…I pleaded with him to stay home as he is way more effective outside prison than inside prison!”

Across the crowd and online, there is much obvious admiration and respect for what Brian Tamaki and the coalition team continue to boldly build.

One supporter wrote “Dear Brian Tamaki…thanks for standing when no one else did. Thank you for these strong leaders you and Hannah have nurtured. The cops might have you at home, but they can’t stop the FREEDOM you’ve helped people to have….” The coalition team go on to say “This is really just the beginning. Every time we protest, our numbers are doubling. We have now got our eyes firmly set on turning up on the steps of Parliament in Wellington on Tuesday 9th November 2021. We have some big plans on this date to ensure this government sit up and take notice of what ‘we the people’ want for our country. After all….aren’t they supposed to be our public servants…serving ‘we the people!’ Really, The Freedoms and Rights Coalition is just getting started and we have many exciting plans in the pipeline.”

Stay tuned to The Freedoms & Rights Coalition social platforms and website to see what we are going to get up to next.

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