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new taxes

Bob Jones

A recent poll claimed 60% of New Zealanders support a wealth tax.

That’s no surprise. My lifelong observation on people’s attitude to taxation is they’re all for taxes so long as they affect someone else and not them.

A classic example was the recent reported utterance by a Jonathan Barett, Associate Professor of taxation at Victoria University.

Barrett was quoted saying “an inheritance tax, specifically a capital acquisition tax was the best solution for New Zealand’s fiscal problems”.

So here’s a bloke who in return for a modest income, never left the comforting safe security of the school-room, his choice of course, but who has the answer to more government money to substantially waste.

Namely, take it off the energetic individuals who create jobs and industries, usually after an initial few years of long hours, low income and considerable risk, without whom we’d have no economy to support the likes of the fearful of life, metaphorically hiding under their beds types such as Barett.

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